Special Education

IDEA Equitable Services for Students with Disabilities Enrolled by Their Parents in Private Schools

Local education agencies (LEAs, also referred to in Massachusetts as public school districts) have an obligation to locate and evaluate students with disabilities enrolled by their parents in private schools located within the LEA's boundaries, or those who are home-schooled. LEAs also must calculate and spend a proportionate share of federal special education (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA) grant funds to provide equitable special education services for these students.

IDEA Equitable Services E-Learning Module for Massachusetts Educators

The Special Education Policy and Planning Office supports the strategic plan of the Department by collaborating with staff to leverage innovative technologies and effective pedagogical approaches to design, develop, and implement exemplary E-learning experiences for educators. This resource is free for all to use for noncommercial purposes. For in-state audiences, the resource must be presented in its original form and cannot be modified. For use outside Massachusetts, contact the Office of Special Education Planning and Policy .

DESE Guidance

Memos and Letters

Sample Documents

Federal Resources

Last Updated: November 14, 2024