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The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) says that each state must submit a state performance plan/annual performance report (SPP/APR) to the federal government. This SPP/APR explains how the state is working to meet IDEA's requirements. SPP/APRs include:
You can see school district data for our state's Performance and Compliance Indicators on the Massachusetts School and District Profiles website.
The Office of Special Education Planning and Policy (SEPP) manages the collection, organization, and data analysis for the 17 Indicators of Special Education performance and compliance under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). This Indicator data is gathered and submitted each year to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) in the State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR).
The Framing Questions are overarching questions about the importance and meaning of each Indicator. Each question gives stakeholders a context to better understand the Commonwealth's quality of special education services. In addition, each webpage includes a description of the Indicator, how it is measured, what the data shows, what that data means for students and their families, and additional resources to learn more.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) plays an important role in ensuring access to high-quality education for all students in the Commonwealth. Part of this mission of General Supervision of IDEA compliance is to ensure that tools and interventions in use to help students with disabilities are not also perpetuating inequities. DESE is committed to strengthening the skills and knowledge to provide greater access and opportunities for all students. DESE recognizes the necessity of understanding how policies and practices can support more equitable student outcomes. The Framing Questions and the Indicators look closely at performance and compliance data as it relates to race, ethnicity, language, and specific disability categories. SEPP strives to close not only achievement but equity gaps across all Indicators to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.
Are children and youth with disabilities receiving equitable behavioral support to minimize disciplinary action?
Are the suspension and expulsion rates equitable for students with disabilities and for students with disabilities by race and ethnicity?
In what ways are children and youth with disabilities participating in statewide assessments at rates that meet state targets?
In what ways are children and youth with disabilities meeting grade level academic achievement standards?
SPP Indicators Printable Cards — The IDEA Data Center, funded by the Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs, has created a printable list of the Indicators for Part B and Part C.
State Reports and the Office of Special Education Program (OSEP) Responses
Massachusetts's SPP/APR Submissions:
A state is required to submit a state performance plan (SPP) at least every six years. Each year, states must report against the targets in its SPP in an annual performance report (APR). The state systemic improvement plan (SSIP) is part of the SPP/APR but required a separate report until FFY2020. They are submitted and approved by OSEP each year. FFY refers to Federal Fiscal Year.
State Performance Plans (SPP) Letters and Annual Performance Report (APR) Letters
Below you will find the most recent State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) and the Office of Special Education Programs' (OSEP) response, including any required actions.
School and District Profiles: Special Education Report-Performance
District and school accountability lists, materials, and tools
MA Local Education Agencies (LEA) Special Education Determinations
For more information about the SPP/APR Indicators contact:
Special Education Planning and Policy Office specialeducation@doe.mass.edu 781-338-3375
Last Updated: November 14, 2024