The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) framework to support accountability for special education, known as Results Driven Accountability (RDA), is intended to balance improving educational results and functional outcomes for students with disabilities with compliance with the requirements of the federal special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). In support of OSEP's RDA framework and DESE's strategic plan, the Office of Special Education Policy and Planning (SEPP) provides four Special Education Leadership Institutes that focus on the key principles of state and federal priorities for student and educator success. The Institutes directly address one of the core strategies in DESE's Strategic Plan by promoting educator development. DESE aims to ensure that all students have access to highly skilled educators by supporting a cycle of continuous improvement and identifying opportunities to develop and retain highly effective educators. The institutes include opportunities to network; apply concepts of systemic change to improve student outcomes; better understand federal and state legal requirements; and implement evidence-based practices for creating inclusive environments. Additional time and opportunities are dedicated for technical assistance and coaching related to participants' Capstone Projects.
All Institutes meet the DESE standards for High Quality Professional Development (HQPD,) and are expected to support the following principles of high-quality IEP development:
Maximum of 30 participants per Institute. Priority is given to participants currently employed by a Massachusetts public school; these participants are eligible to attend at no charge. Participants will:
Each Institute, offered by role and experience, runs for at least 62 hours, of which at least a minimum of 46 hours are delivered through face-to-face sessions. The remainder of the sessions may include other contact formats.
Vendors will offer 67.5 Professional Development Points (PDPs) to each participant who completes an Administrative Leadership Institute program, which includes the sessions offered in summer, fall/winter, and spring. Sixteen PDPs will be awarded to participants completing the Special Education Administrative Leadership program communities of practice only. Vendors may provide information for optional graduate credits. (Participants are responsible for any costs associated with optional graduate credits.)
Last Updated: January 14, 2021