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The law says that all children with disabilities, as much as possible, must be educated with children who are not disabled.
Indicator 5 collects information for children who are age 5 in kindergarten through age 21. It looks at how much school time that students with IEPs are with students without disabilities. It also looks at how many students go to their local school or a separate school. It has three measures.
The % of school-aged children with IEPs who:
are in regular class 80% or more of day
(Full Inclusion)
are in regular class less than 40% of day
(Substantially Separate)
go to separate school, residential facility, or homebound/hospital placements
(Out of District)
A student's placement matters because:
Indicator 5 matters because:
Indicator 5 shows us which districts should ask themselves why students with disabilities are in separate classrooms or schools. Also, it shows us which districts may need help to improve inclusive teaching and learning. The goal of this indicator is to use the data to ask and answer hard questions, so that we can improve student outcomes.
For example:
*Data notes: Partial Inclusion is still not reported in the SPP/APR calculation but will continue to be publicly reported (click on the district name)
Indicator 5 PowerPoint
Indicator 5 Narrated PowerPoint
Last Updated: November 14, 2024