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Indicator 3 reports the participation and performance of students with IEPs on statewide assessments. Massachusetts reports specifically on students with IEPs in grades 4, 8, and 10 who have an IEP at the time of testing. Students may be enrolled for the full academic year or only part of it.
Within Indicator 3 there are four separate measurements:
3A— Participation Rate for children with IEPs
Targets for all groups (Grade 4, 8, and HS) in both Reading and Math is 95% participation through FFY2025.
3B— Proficiency Rate against grade-level academic standards
3C— Proficiency Rate against alternate academic achievement standards
3D— Gap in Proficiency Rate for children with IEPs and all students against grade-level academic achievement standards
State Education Agencies are required1 to provide to the public information regarding where to find public reports of assessment participation and performance results.
School and district profiles showing proficiency for student groups
Summary of Changes to the New FFY 2020-2025 State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report
FFY 2020-2025 SPP/APR Stakeholder Requirements
Setting Baselines and Targets in a World of Questionable Data Quality
Indicator 3 PowerPoint
Indicator 3 Narrated PowerPoint
Last Updated: March 27, 2023