Special Education

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Indicator 3: Statewide Assessment of Students with IEPs

What Is Indicator 3?

Indicator 3 reports the participation and performance of students with IEPs on statewide assessments. Massachusetts reports specifically on students with IEPs in grades 4, 8, and 10 who have an IEP at the time of testing. Students may be enrolled for the full academic year or only part of it.

Why Is Indicator 3 Important?

  • All students with disabilities are required to participate in a state's accountability system
  • MA sets high standards for all students in each grade level and in each subject
    • MCAS helps show whether learning is happening
  • This Indicator reports gaps in proficiency data between students with disabilities and all students.
  • Test results help identify where:
    • students have mastered a subject
    • students need more help
    • where educators might need to adjust
  • Participation leads to
    • informed teaching
    • improved learning
    • the acquisition of needed literacy skills, learning strategies, and social skills that allow students with learning disabilities to access the general education curriculum.
  • State assessments are related to outcomes in employment, postsecondary education, etc.

Indicator 3 Measurement

Within Indicator 3 there are four separate measurements:

  • 3A measures the participation rate for children with IEPs
  • 3B measures the proficiency rate for children with IEPs against grade-level academic standards
  • 3C measures the proficiency rate for children with IEPs against alternate academic achievement standards
  • 3D measures the gap in proficiency rates for children with IEPs and all students against grade-level academic achievement standards

Indicator 3 Targets

3A— Participation Rate for children with IEPs

Targets for all groups (Grade 4, 8, and HS) in both Reading and Math is 95% participation through FFY2025.

3B— Proficiency Rate against grade-level academic standards

SubjectGroupGroup Name2022202320242025
ReadingA >=Grade 422.00%23.00%24.00%25.00%
ReadingB >=Grade 813.00%14.00%15.00%16.00%
ReadingC >=Grade HS28.00%29.00%30.00%31.00%
MathA >=Grade 413.00%14.00%15.00%16.00%
MathB >=Grade 89.00%10.00%11.00%12.00%
MathC >=Grade HS17.00%18.00%19.00%20.00%

3C— Proficiency Rate against alternate academic achievement standards

SubjectGroupGroup Name2022202320242025
ReadingA >=Grade 447.00%48.00%49.00%50.00%
ReadingB >=Grade 849.00%50.00%51.00%52.00%
ReadingC >=Grade HS47.00%48.00%49.00%50.00%
MathA >=Grade 473.00%74.00%75.00%76.00%
MathB >=Grade 869.00%70.00%71.00%72.00%
MathC >=Grade HS67.00%68.00%69.00%70.00%

3D— Gap in Proficiency Rate for children with IEPs and all students against grade-level academic achievement standards

SubjectGroupGroup Name2022202320242025
ReadingA <=Grade 428.90 28.4027.9027.40
ReadingB <=Grade 829.1028.6028.1027.60
ReadingC <=Grade HS37.6037.1036.6036.10
MathA <=Grade 421.3020.8020.3019.80
MathB <=Grade 824.3023.8023.3022.80
MathC <=Grade HS36.7036.2035.7035.20

Public Reports

State Education Agencies are required1 to provide to the public information regarding where to find public reports of assessment participation and performance results.

Impact of COVID

  • Massachusetts was unable to administer state assessments in 2020.
  • Students were predominantly educated remotely but also in hybrid or in-person environments.
  • Students, teachers, and families needed to adapt to changed learning environments.
  • Disruptions and disparities in access led to disparities in learning and achievement
  • There was significant learning loss

Improvement Activities:

  • IEP Improvement Project — writing rigorous IEP math and reading goals
  • Mass Literacy/Science of reading
  • Our Way Forward


Learn More about Indicator # 3:

Last Updated: March 27, 2023