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Indicator 15: Resolution Session Agreement

What is Indicator 15?

  • Indicator 15 measures the percentage of hearing requests that are resolved through resolution session settlement agreements.
  • A resolution session is a meeting which must be convened by a local education authority (LEA) after it receives a parent-filed hearing request.
  • The goal of the session is to attempt to resolve the dispute that triggered the hearing request without the need for litigation.

Guidelines for Resolution Sessions

A resolution session cannot be held in response to a parent's hearing request until:

  • the LEA has convened, and the parent has participated in, a resolution meeting within 15 calendar days of receipt of the hearing request; or
  • the parties have agreed to participate in mediation in lieu of the meeting; or
  • the parties have waived the resolution session in writing.

How is Indicator 15 Measured?

Indicator 15 is the percent of hearing requests that went to resolution session that were resolved through resolution session settlement agreements.


Last Updated: March 21, 2023

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