Special Education

Assistive Technology and Accessibility

  • Making Accessible Documents
    This reusable learning object (RLO) offers guidance in preparing documents to be accessible for all audiences.
    If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of this video, please request materials in an alternate format.

  • Access to Learning: Assistive Technology and Accessible Instructional Materials
    This publication offers guidance to Massachusetts school districts in providing assistive technology and accessible instructional materials to students with disabilities.

  • National Center on Universal Design for Learning
    Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that can be used to develop flexible curricula that will meet the needs of all students. Digital tools and media can support UDL by offering multiple options for students to access information, demonstrate what they know, and get excited about learning. This website, developed by CAST, offers implementation guidelines, examples, news, resources, tools, and more.

  • Learning Ally: Audiobook Services
    Learning Ally provides audio versions of textbooks and VoiceText format for other books for students with vision impairments, learning disabilities, or physical disabilities that make it difficult to use traditional text. These audiobooks are available primarily as downloadable audio and CDs, which can be played on a variety of portable devices and computers. Learning Ally's audiobooks are recorded using the human voice and include descriptions of pictures, graphs, and figures.

  • National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials
    Accessible instructional materials, or AIM, are specialized formats of curricular content that can be used by students who are unable to read or use standard print materials. This website, created by CAST, offers a rich collection of resources for learning about and implementing AIM.

  • Providing Accessible Instructional Materials
    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires schools to provide accessible instructional materials to students who need them. For students who are unable to use traditional print-based materials, alternate formats are available, including braille, audio, large print, and digital text.

  • MassMATCH
    MassMATCH is the Commonwealth's initiative to Maximize Assistive Technology in Consumer's Hands. The website reflects the work of seven Massachusetts human services agencies and constituents, offering information on technologies, demonstration and loan programs, legislation, and more.

  • Assistive Technology School Share Program
    This program offers an online tool for schools to track their assistive technology (AT) inventory, determine their AT needs for a given year, and then borrow or lend AT to other schools.

  • Additional Resources on Assistive Technology and Accessibility

Last Updated: June 23, 2023