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Special Education Policy Memo SY2023-2024 — 1

Requirements for the 2023-2024 Conditions of Assistance: IDEA Part B Funding (formerly SEPPS)

To:Superintendents, Administrators of Special Education, Principals, Charter Leaders, Virtual School Leaders, School Business Officials, and Other Interested Persons
From:Russell Johnston, Deputy Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, and Jamie Camacho, Director, Office of Special Education Planning and Policy
Date:June 5, 2023

Under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a Local Education Agency (LEA)1 is eligible for fiscal assistance under Part B of the Act for a fiscal year if the agency submits a plan that provides assurances to the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (The Department) that the LEA meets each of the conditions in 34 C.F.R. § 300.201 through 34 C.F.R. § 300.213. 34 C.F.R. §300.200.

The LEA, in providing for the education of children with disabilities within its jurisdiction, must also have in effect policies, procedures, and programs that are consistent with the state policies and procedures established under §300.101 through 300.163, and §300.165 through 300.174.2 Therefore, every LEA must submit a new Conditions of Assistance: IDEA Part B Funding Certifications (Individual District or Regional District ) to the Department annually. The Department strives to better align the Conditions of Assistance: IDEA Part B Funding Certifications to the conditions in 34 C.F.R. § 300.201 through 34 C.F.R. § 300.213. 34 C.F.R. §300.200. Therefore, the Conditions of Assistance: IDEA Part B Funding Certifications may look different this year. Every LEA is required to maintain documentation to demonstrate compliance with IDEA at the local level and to be prepared to furnish such documentation as part of Tiered Focused Monitoring (TFM) or as requested by the Department.

If a district's local policies or procedures differ from the requirements detailed in the Conditions of Assistance: IDEA Part B Funding Certifications, then the district must notify the Department of the appropriate element and submit the local procedures for review and approval. Procedures at the local level that reinterpret the law to allow alternative activities must be submitted to the Department for review and approval prior to implementation. It is the expectation of the Department, however, that the need for such submissions of local procedures will be minimal because each of the elements in the Conditions of Assistance: IDEA Part B Funding Certifications is required by law.

The Superintendent of Schools, Special Education Administrator, School Business Official, and School Committee play critical roles in the education of students with disabilities. Therefore, the Superintendent (or school leader), Special Education Administrator, School Business Official, and School Committee Chairperson/Board of Trustee Chairperson are required to complete the Certification Section at the end of the Conditions of Assistance: IDEA Part B Funding Certifications. These signatures indicate that the requirements have been read and understood by all respective parties and that a plan is in place to addresses the individual and collective responsibilities related to the required conditions for funding. The Department strongly recommends conducting an annual training for all principals/building administrators to ensure compliance and to identify the roles and responsibilities of building administrators as it relates to IDEA as well as 603 CMR 28.03(3).

Starting this year, the completed Conditions of Assistance: IDEA Part B Funding Certifications should be uploaded into the Grants for Education Management System (GEMS). Prior to submission, please check that required information is completed, including the district's contact information, and that all signatures are in place. Signatures cannot be typed in. A scanned handwritten signature or a signature that is drawn digitally on a tablet/computer is acceptable. The submission and subsequent approval of the Conditions of Assistance: IDEA Part B Funding Certifications is required for initial or continued receipt of any federal special education entitlement funds. Only completed Funding Conditions will be approved. Failure to submit this signed statement and any additional required documentation, may jeopardize the timely release of federal funds for your district.

More information and resources can be found on the Conditions of Assistance: IDEA Part B Funding Certifications webpage.

For questions regarding the Conditions of Assistance: IDEA Part B Funding Certifications or their submission, please contact the Special Education planning and Policy unit via email at .

1 Local Educational Agency (LEA) includes all public school districts, charter schools, vocational technical schools, and virtual schools.

2 As required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 34 C.F.R. § 300.200 and 34 C.F.R. § 300.201

Last Updated: Jun 6, 2023

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