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Student Advisory Council

Roles & Responsibilities of the Student Advisory Council

State Student Advisory Council Roles & Responsibilities

All SSAC Members

The responsibilities and time commitments of SSAC Delegates and 1st Alternates are as follows:

  • Represent the concerns of your region at the SSAC meetings;
  • Assist the RSAC chairs in planning and running regional meetings;
  • Actively participate in council activities;
  • Complete tasks between scheduled meetings;
  • Attendance at SSAC orientation meetings (May-June) 2 days;
  • Attendance at leadership training (summer) 3 days;
  • Attendance at bi- monthly RSAC meetings in the region (Oct - April) 4 days; and
  • Attendance at bi-monthly SSAC meetings in Malden (Sept - May) 5 days

SSAC Chairperson

The SSAC Chairperson is an SSAC Delegate elected by his/her peers to represent SSAC as a full-voting member on the Massachusetts Board of Elementary & Secondary Education. In addition to the responsibilities of an SSAC member (as above), the SSAC Chairperson's roles and responsibilities also include:

  • Attendance at all Board of Elementary and Secondary Education meetings July - June;
  • Solicit feedback from SSAC regarding matters before the Board;
  • Represent SSAC's views and opinions at the Board meetings;
  • Prepare written Board Briefing for dissemination to SSAC and RSAC members;
  • Communicate with Executive Committee regarding Board meeting deliberations and initiatives;
  • Communicate with SSAC members regarding Board deliberations and initiatives; and
  • Communicate with Regional Chairs regarding Board initiatives and regional issues, workgroup activities

SSAC Vice Chairperson

The SSAC Vice Chairperson is an SSAC Delegate elected by his/her peers. In addition to the responsibilities of an SSAC member (as above), the SSAC Vice-Chairperson's roles and responsibilities also include:

  • Attendance at all SSAC meetings September through May;
  • Facilitate all SSAC meetings;
  • Develop SSAC meeting agendas (with the assistance of the SSAC Advisor);
  • Communicate with SSAC Chairperson regarding Board deliberations and initiatives;
  • Communicate with Regional Chairs regarding RSAC initiatives and regional issues, workgroup activities, etc;
  • Communicate with SSAC Work Group Chairs & Recorders regarding group activities and progress; and
  • Work with the SSAC Recorder and Advisor to coordinate, collect and distribute SSAC information.

SSAC Recorder

The SSAC Recorder is an SSAC Delegate elected by his/her peers. In addition to the responsibilities of an SSAC member (as above), the SSAC Recorder's roles and responsibilities also include:

  • Attendance at all SSAC meetings September through May;
  • Record the regular business of each meeting and provide copies to the SSAC Advisor;
  • Keep attendance records;
  • Develop SSAC meeting notes for use at RSAC meetings (with the assistance of the SSAC Advisor);
  • Communicate with SSAC Work Group Recorders regarding group activities and progress; to include in SSAC meeting minutes/notes and
  • Work with the SSAC Vice Chairperson and Advisor to coordinate, collect and distribute SSAC information to the council.

Last Updated: February 8, 2013

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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