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Student Advisory Council

Roles & Responsibilities of the Student Advisory Council

Regional Council Member and Officer Roles & Responsibilities

All members of the 11 Regional Student Advisory Councils serve to:

  • Represent students from their school, participate in discussions and share information to and from school;
  • Debate statewide education issues and advise the Board of Elementary & Secondary Education on these issues, individually, collectively and/or through the State Student Advisory Council;
  • Develop student leadership through the discussion of student rights and responsibilities as well as student leadership skills;
  • Provide resources to students to address school issues, for example: develop informational publications for students, sponsor training for students about educational issues, provide training for students who serve on School Councils and School Committees, co-sponsor statewide conferences covering topics affecting students, etc.; and
  • Disseminate the above information to students in participating schools.

All RSAC members must commit to:

  • Attending the bi-monthly RSAC meetings (Oct - Apr); 4 days;
  • Actively participate in Council activities; and
  • Completing tasks between scheduled meetings.

Regional Chairs / Students elected as Regional Chairs also:

  • Work closely with the Advisor, Recorder and State SAC delegates to plan Regional Council meetings;
  • Conduct regular business of each regional meeting;
  • Coordinate and plan Regional Council initiatives around State Council activities;
  • Develop strategies to communicate Regional and State Council activities back to high schools;
  • Represent the concerns of their region at the SSAC meetings; and
  • Ensure regular communication between State and Regional Councils.

Regional Recorders / Students elected as Regional Recorders also:

  • Work closely with the Advisor, Regional Chair and SSAC Delegates to plan meetings;
  • Record the regular business of each meeting and provide copies to your Advisor;
  • Collect recorded proceedings of all work groups, incorporate into general meeting notes and work with advisor to distribute to members and schools;
  • Keep attendance records;
  • Ensure regular communication between the Regional Council and high schools.

State Delegates / Students elected from each region as State Delegates also:

  • Represent the concerns of your region at the SSAC meetings;
  • Actively participate in State Council activities;
  • Complete tasks between scheduled meetings;
  • Report back at RSAC meetings to inform regional members of SSAC activities;
  • Assist the RSAC chairs in planning and running regional meetings.

State Alternates / Students elected as State alternates also:

  • Assume the role of the State Delegate at SSAC meetings should the State Delegate be unable to attend;
  • May attend & participate in monthly SSAC meetings;
  • Represent the concerns of the region at the SSAC meetings;
  • Actively participate in State Council activities;
  • Complete tasks between scheduled meetings;
  • Report back at RSAC meetings to inform regional members of SSAC activities.

Last Updated: February 8, 2013

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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