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Office of Planning and Research

PfS Examples: Plans, Action Plans, Superintendent Goals, and Case Studies

Planning for Success tools, templates, and facilitation resources have been developed through planning and action planning pilot projects in a range of districts at all levels of student achievement and growth.

Posted below are a few examples of district plans, action plans, aligned superintendent goals, and case studies of the plan development process, courtesy of some of the Massachusetts districts that have used Planning for Success. The examples from some PfS pilot districts may be incomplete, reflecting where the work stood at the end of the pilot period. The Whitman-Hanson and Valley Collaborative examples reflect these districts' robust use of PfS over multiple years.

District TypeDistrict District Plan/Action Plan/Case Study
Urban Cambridge
Suburban Burlington
Concord and Concord-Carlisle
North Andover
Regional Whitman-Hanson
Educational Collaborative Pilgrim Area Collaborative
Valley Collaborative
Single School Cape Cod Regional Technical

If you would like to explore a variety of approaches districts have taken to structuring the PfS planning process, you may want to review the case studies of the original PfS pilot districts.

Last Updated: February 14, 2019

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