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Office of Planning and Research

Phase 1: Create Plan Resources

In this phase of the PfS process, districts and schools create their multi-year improvement plan. As communities engage in this work, they:

  • Analyze performance, educator evaluation, and community feedback data for trends and patterns, identifying root causes
  • Envision the future
  • Backward design the improvement strategy from desired student outcomes, researching effective practices

The table below outlines the activities involved in facilitating the development of the multi-year plan and provides access to the DIY facilitation resources and PfS worksheets and templates that support these activities. The facilitation resources provide information about how to facilitate each activity, including suggested meeting agendas, timeframes, and presentation slide text.

Districts or schools interested in using Planning for Success to improve an existing plan may want to conduct a plan assessment at the start of this process. The Planning for Success Plan Assessment worksheet is available in the table below as part of planning activity 3. Analyzing the Current Context.

Last Updated: November 25, 2019

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