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Educator Effectiveness

Alternative Assessments to the Subject Matter Knowledge MTELs

The Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education has approved the following alternative assessments to the Subject Matter Knowledge MTELs. Specific eligibility requirements are in place for each alternative assessment.

Candidates must meet the passing score required for each alternative assessment in Massachusetts. The assessment may have been taken, or be taken, any time between when the pilot was approved by BESE on October 20, 2020 through the end of the pilot on June 30, 2025. As candidates register and take these alternative assessments, results will be electronically and securely sent to the Department.

Please click on an assessment below for more information, including eligibility requirements.

The Department is in the process of seeking additional options for the Subject Matter Knowledge Alternative Assessment and will provide more information as it becomes available. Please continue to check back to this page for additional information.

Last Updated: June 14, 2023

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