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MTEL-Flex provides an assessment option for MTEL candidates whose score on select MTEL test fields is very close to the passing score (within one standard error of measurement of passing). Candidates who meet the eligibility requirements (see below) have the opportunity to submit an MTEL-Flex assessment rather than retaking the full MTEL test. For MTEL-Flex, candidates provide an analysis of an MTEL test objective to demonstrate the depth of their subject matter knowledge. Candidates who pass MTEL-Flex will meet the subject matter test requirement for their license. For more details about the structure of the MTEL-Flex, please see the MTEL website.

Content Areas

The MTEL-Flex is available for the following content area tests:

  • English (61)
  • English as a Second Language (54)
  • Foundations of Reading (190)
  • General Science (64)
  • General Curriculum (178/278)
    • Subtest 1: Language Arts and History/Social Science (178)
    • Subtest 2: Mathematics, Science, and Technology/Engineering (278)
  • History/Social Science (73)
  • Spanish (28)
  • Mathematics (Middle School) (65)
  • Mathematics (Secondary) (63)

At the point of registration, eligible candidates will be able to select one of two options for each content area that are derived from the existing MTEL test objectives. 

Candidate Eligibility

Candidates may opt to take the MTEL-Flex if they scored within one standard error of measurement (SEM) of passing on the corresponding MTEL exam since the regulatory pilot allowing for alternative assessments was approved on October 20, 2020. Candidates should refer to the MTEL website to determine if they are eligible to take MTEL-Flex.


The cost of the MTEL-Flex is $69 per submission for all tests, with the exception of the General Curriculum subtests which will be $49 per submission.

Please see the MTEL website for more information.

Last Updated: March 15, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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