Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions related to advancing, extending, or renewing a license. Additional information, including how to advance, extend, or renew a license, can be found on our Advancing, Extending, or Renewing a License page.
Do Massachusetts teachers need a master's degree? While a large majority of teachers in Massachusetts do pursue an appropriate master’s degree as a capstone to earning Professional licensure, alternatives do exist. In lieu of a master’s degree, the current regulations offer teachers the option to satisfy their capstone through the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) or through a state-approved (non-degree) Professional licensure program. For more information about NBPTS, visit NBPTS, or to search for a Massachusetts approved program, visit Ed Prep Programs.
May I extend my Initial license? An Initial license may be extended one time only for an additional 5 years of employment if the educator has not yet satisfied the requirements necessary to advance to the Professional level license. An application for the Initial-Extension license must be submitted, along with a school or district employment letter verifying five years of employment under your license and a signed plan statement.
May I extend or re-apply for a Provisional license that has expired? No. Educators are not able to extend or re-apply for the same Academic Provisional license.
Licensure Renewal — Frequently Asked Questions
Last Updated: July 18, 2023