Education Laws and Regulations

603 CMR 35.00

Evaluation of Educators

These regulations replace the current Regulations on Evaluation of Teachers and Administrators and accompanying Principles of Effective Teaching and Principles of Effective Administrative Leadership, as adopted in 1995.


  • 35.01: Scope and Purpose
  • 35.02: Definitions
  • 35.03: Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice
  • 35.04: Standards and Indicators of Effective Administrative Leadership Practice
  • 35.05: Evaluation of Administrators under Individual Employment Contracts
  • 35.06: Evaluation Cycle
  • 35.07: Evidence Used in Evaluation
  • 35.08: Performance Level Ratings
  • 35.09: Peer Assistance and Review
  • 35.10: Implementation and Reporting
  • View All Sections

Most Recently Amended by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education: February 28, 2017.

35.03: Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice

School committees shall establish evaluation systems and Performance Standards for the evaluation of all teachers that include all of the principles of evaluation, set forth in 603 CMR 35.00. School committees may supplement the standards and indicators in 603 CMR 35.03 with additional measurable performance standards and indicators consistent with state law and collective bargaining agreements where applicable. The district shall adapt the indicators based on the role of the teacher to reflect and to allow for significant differences in assignments and responsibilities. The district shall share the Performance Standards with teachers employed by the district.

(1) Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment Standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students by providing high quality and coherent instruction, designing and administering authentic and meaningful student assessments, analyzing student performance and growth data, using this data to improve instruction, providing students with constructive feedback on an on-going basis, and continuously refining learning objectives.

  1. (a) Curriculum and Planning Indicator: Knows the subject matter well, has a good grasp of child development and how students learn, and designs effective and rigorous standards-based units of instruction consisting of well-structured lessons with measurable outcomes.

  2. (b) Assessment Indicator: Uses a variety of informal and formal methods of assessment to measure student learning, growth, and understanding, develop differentiated and enhanced learning experiences, and improve future instruction.

  3. (c) Analysis Indicator: Analyzes data from assessments, draws conclusions, and shares them appropriately.

(2) Teaching All Students Standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students through instructional practices that establish high expectations, create a safe and effective classroom environment, and demonstrate cultural proficiency.

  1. (a) Instruction Indicator: Uses instructional practices that reflect high expectations regarding content and quality of effort and work, engage all students, and are personalized to accommodate diverse learning styles, needs, interests, and levels of readiness.

  2. (b) Learning Environment Indicator: Creates and maintains a safe and collaborative learning environment that values diversity and motivates students to take academic risks, challenge themselves, and claim ownership of their learning.

  3. (c) Student Learning Indicator: Demonstrates expected impact on student learning based on multiple measures of student learning, growth, and achievement. For teachers who are responsible for direct instruction, these measures must include student progress on common assessments and, where available, statewide student growth measures.

  4. (d) Cultural Proficiency Indicator: Actively creates and maintains an environment in which students' diverse backgrounds, identities, strengths, and challenges are respected.

  5. (e) Expectations Indicator: Plans and implements lessons that set clear and high expectations and make knowledge accessible for all students.

(3) Family and Community Engagement Standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students through effective partnerships with families, caregivers, community members, and organizations.

  1. (a) Engagement Indicator: Welcomes and encourages every family to become active participants in the classroom and school community.

  2. (b) Collaboration Indicator: Collaborates with families to create and implement strategies for supporting student learning and development both at home and at school.

  3. (c) Communication Indicator: Engages in regular, two-way, and culturally proficient communication with families about student learning and performance.

(4) Professional Culture Standard: Promotes the learning and growth of all students through ethical, culturally proficient, skilled, and collaborative practice.

  1. (a) Reflection Indicator: Demonstrates the capacity to reflect on and improve the educator's own practice, using informal means as well as meetings with teams and work groups to gather information, analyze data, examine issues, set meaningful goals, and develop new approaches in order to improve teaching and learning.

  2. (b) Professional Growth Indicator: Actively pursues professional development and learning opportunities to improve quality of practice or build the expertise and experience to assume different instructional and leadership roles.

  3. (c) Collaboration Indicator: Collaborates effectively with colleagues on a wide range of tasks.

  4. (d) Decision-making Indicator: Becomes involved in school-wide decision-making, and takes an active role in school improvement planning.

  5. (e) Shared Responsibility Indicator: Shares responsibility for the performance of all students within the school.

  6. (f) Professional Responsibilities Indicator: Is ethical and reliable, and meets routine responsibilities consistently.

Regulatory Authority:
603 CMR 35.00: M.G.L. c.69, §1B; c.71, §38

For an official copy of these regulations, please contact the State House Bookstore, at 617-727-2834 or visit Massachusetts State Bookstore .

Last Updated: October 25, 2017