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Education Laws and Regulations

603 CMR 35.00

Evaluation of Educators

These regulations replace the current Regulations on Evaluation of Teachers and Administrators and accompanying Principles of Effective Teaching and Principles of Effective Administrative Leadership, as adopted in 1995.


  • 35.01: Scope and Purpose
  • 35.02: Definitions
  • 35.03: Standards and Indicators of Effective Teaching Practice
  • 35.04: Standards and Indicators of Effective Administrative Leadership Practice
  • 35.05: Evaluation of Administrators under Individual Employment Contracts
  • 35.06: Evaluation Cycle
  • 35.07: Evidence Used in Evaluation
  • 35.08: Performance Level Ratings
  • 35.09: Peer Assistance and Review
  • 35.10: Implementation and Reporting
  • View All Sections

Most Recently Amended by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education: February 28, 2017.

35.08: Performance Level Ratings

(1) Each educator shall receive one of four ratings on each Performance Standard and overall.

  1. (a) Exemplary

  2. (b) Proficient

  3. (c) Needs Improvement

  4. (d) Unsatisfactory

(2) In rating educators on Performance Standards for the purposes of either formative assessment, formative evaluation, or summative evaluation, districts may use either the rubric provided by the Department in its model system or a comparably rigorous and comprehensive rubric developed by the district and reviewed by the Department.

(3) The summative evaluation rating must be based on evidence from multiple categories of evidence. MCAS growth scores cannot be the sole basis for a summative evaluation rating.

(4) To be rated Proficient overall, a teacher shall, at a minimum, have been rated Proficient on the Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment and the Teaching all Students standards for teachers, 603 CMR 35.03(1) and (2).

(5) To be rated Proficient overall, an administrator shall, at a minimum, have been rated Proficient on the Instructional Leadership standard for administrators, 603 CMR 35.04(1).

(6) Professional teacher status, pursuant to G.L. ch. 71, § 41, should be granted only to educators who have achieved ratings of proficient or exemplary on each Performance Standard and overall. A principal considering making an employment decision that would lead to professional teacher status for any educator who has not been rated proficient or exemplary on each Performance Standard and overall on the most recent evaluation shall confer with the superintendent of schools by May 1st. The principal's decision is subject to review and approval by the superintendent.

(7) Educators whose summative performance rating is exemplary may be recognized and rewarded with leadership roles, promotion, additional compensation, public commendation or other acknowledgement.

Regulatory Authority:
603 CMR 35.00: M.G.L. c.69, §1B; c.71, §38

For an official copy of these regulations, please contact the State House Bookstore, at 617-727-2834 or visit Massachusetts State Bookstore .

Last Updated: October 25, 2017

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