In 2022, DESE engaged in a comprehensive process to identify early literacy universal screeners that comport with the Massachusetts Dyslexia Guidelines and principles of anti-bias. A diverse group of experts which included researchers, teachers, administrators, and specialists worked with DESE to determine assessment criteria. Publishers had the opportunity to submit information about their assessments, which were reviewed and scored based on established criteria . Current Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education approved early literacy universal screeners are listed below in two categories: Meets Expectations and Partially Meets Expectations.
For details about each approved assessment, download the Screening Assessments At-a-Glance guide
Please note that all approved early literacy universal screening assessments listed below can be used as intended by the publisher to meet the requirements of the regulation. The information contained in the highlights and challenges sections are meant to support measuring all skills outlined in the Massachusetts Dyslexia Guidelines.
The following early literacy universal screening assessments met all DESE's required criteria in the 2022 review. These assessments are currently approved.
Can be used with DIBELS 8 Data Systems (DDS), offered through Amplify
The following early literacy universal screening assessments met many criteria but did not meet in at least one area in 2022 review. These assessments are currently approved.
Educators wanting to include a word reading task as recommended in the MA Dyslexia Guidelines, could consider using the word reading task from DIBELS 8th Edition. This measure is available at no cost on the DIBELS 8th Edition website. While the score from this subtest would not be included in the student's level of risk determination, educators could consider this information along with the full data set collected from the Acadience Reading assessment.
While not explicitly included in the MA Dyslexia Guidelines, listening and oral comprehension are predictive of reading difficulties. Educators are encouraged to use the experimental listening comprehension and vocabulary tasks included with Acadience and/or to screen these skills with other tools.
While not explicitly included in the MA Dyslexia Guidelines, listening and oral language comprehension are predictive of reading difficulties. For readers, i-Ready includes an oral retell task as part of Passage Reading Fluency. For younger students, educators may want to screen these skills with other tools.
The i-Ready Diagnostic has been shown to be predictive of future reading difficulties; the i-Ready Literacy Tasks have not (NCII Classification Accuracy).
Educators wanting to include a word reading task as recommended in the MA Dyslexia Guidelines, could consider using the word reading task from DIBELS 8th Edition. This measure is available at no cost on the DIBELS 8th Edition Website. While the score from this subtest would not be included in the student's level of risk determination, educators could consider this information along with the full data set collected from the STAR assessments.
While not explicitly included in the MA Dyslexia Guidelines, listening and oral language comprehension are predictive of reading difficulties. Educators may want to screen these skills with other tools.
STAR Reading (grades 1–5) and STAR CBM (grades 1–5) have been shown to accurately predict future reading difficulties; STAR Early Literacy has not (NCII Classification Accuracy).
The following early literacy universal screening assessments were reviewed and did not meet all required criteria at this time. These assessments may meet expectations in the future if DESE receives additional information demonstrating that required criteria are met. Assessments not listed on this page have not submitted materials for DESE review.
DESE has issued a bid opportunity for vendors interested in providing early literacy screening assessments to schools and/or districts in Massachusetts, which is open until December 31, 2024, through COMMBUYS, the state's procurement system. Please contact with any questions.
Reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). Our office is not responsible for and does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of information in other sites accessible through links herein. DESE may supplement this list with other services and products that meet the specified criteria.
Last Updated: October 25, 2024
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
Disclaimer: A reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.