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Center for Instructional Support

Center for Instructional Support Program Offerings 2024-25

Note: Click on the titles below to jump to each description.

ArtsComprehensive Health and Physical Education
Digital Literacy and Computer ScienceEducator Effectiveness
ELA / LiteracyHistory, Social Science and Civics
MathematicsScience and Technology/Engineering

Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Leaders Network (CHPELN)

Intended Audience: PK–12 school or district leaders with oversight and responsibility for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education (CHPE) programming and instruction or their designee.

Program Description: New Professional Learning Opportunity

The Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Leaders Network (CHPELN) is a professional network and community of learners that includes PK–12 Comprehensive Health and Physical Education district and school leaders in MA. This network supports the whole student through Professional Learning that centers culturally and linguistically sustaining, evidence-based practices that relate to student physical, mental, and social emotional health and well-being while increasing engaged attendance and decreasing chronic absenteeism. Members of the CHPELN engage in collaborative discussions relevant to their role as CHPE leaders within their districts. There are opportunities to expand professional networks, share resources and strategies around equitable implementation of the MA curriculum frameworks using high-quality instructional materials (HQIM), and provide input on DESE initiatives. During the 2024-25 school year, there will be a mix of in-person and virtual meetings that include professional development, informal connection, and mentoring for leaders new in their role.

Note: In-person sessions may have hybrid components. Any session may switch to all-virtual depending on weather and public health concerns. More details will be made available in early September. Agendas and prework will be sent at least one week in advance to allow participants to schedule their time accordingly.

Program Type: Virtual, In-Person, Hybrid

Program Dates:

  • September 19, 2024 — Joint STEM Meeting (in-person)
  • November 13, 2024 (in-person)
  • January 14, 2025 (virtual)
  • March 25, 2025 (virtual)
  • May 13, 2025 (in-person)

Registration Link: CIS Content Leaders Network Registration 2024-2025

CIS Contact: Beth Williams-Breault

Strategic Objective 1: Whole Student

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Food System Literacy Professional Development

Intended Audience: PK–12 teachers and administrators with responsibility and oversight for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education (CHPE) programming and instruction directly related to food system literacy or their designee.

Program Description: Pending funding. DESE is pleased to offer Professional Development in support of the implementation of food system literacy and adoption of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM). This PD supports the whole student while centering culturally and linguistically sustaining, evidence-based practices that relate to student physical, mental, and social emotional health and well-being while increasing engaged attendance and decreasing chronic absenteeism. The needs of historically underserved students are centered in this PD with standards-aligned PK–12 programming that promotes deeper learning and skillful implementation of HQIM. Educators are provided with the opportunity to learn evidence-based practices and how to implement them in a culturally and linguistically sustaining way. Participants who successfully complete each course will receive a stipend and a certificate of completion.

Note: There is a first priority window for registration. First priority is defined as Statewide System of Support SSoS districts and those teachers working under an emergency license.

Program Type: Virtual, In-Person, Hybrid

Program Dates: vary by professional development provider

Registration Link: TBD

CIS Contact: Beth Williams-Breault

Strategic Objective 1: Whole Student

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Train-the-Trainer Enhanced Math/Science Instruction

Intended Audience: STEM directors, coaches, and bilingual/EL directors and instructional coaches or their appointees interested in becoming certified facilitators for Enhancing Grade level Math and Science Instruction for all through a Multilingual Lens and bringing it to their school/district science and math core content teachers.

Program Description: New Professional Development
This job-embedded 2-day workshop enables participants become facilitators to scale up the Enhancing Grade level Math and Science Instruction for all through a Multilingual Lens PD that incorporates the WIDA and content Frameworks to support all learners gain grade level access to math and science content in core classrooms. Completion of workshop awards participants with 1) 15 PDPs to fulfill SEI, ESL or Bilingual Education educators' license renewal requirement; 2) Certify them as this PD facilitators for 2024-2025.

Program Type: In-Person

Program Dates: Two sessions will be offered during summer at central locations (also TBD).

Registration Link: Interest: Train-the-Trainer for Enhancing Grade level Math and Science Instruction for all through a Multilingual Lens PD scale up

CIS Contact: Meto Raha

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Addressing MLs Dual Language & Core Content Acquisition Challenge

Intended Audience: District/school leadership, coaches, directors, department heads

Program Description: New Professional Development
How do you address the dual challenge of English language and core content acquisition, particularly for level ones and twos? The aim of this two-part webinar (one hour each) is to look at ways to develop culturally and linguistically sustaining, grade-appropriate core content instructional supports within the ESL classroom, wherein, while the primary focus remains English Language Development, the goal is to concurrently advance MA framework-aligned core content. This ensures that Multilingual Learners (MLs) keep pace with their peers in content knowledge as they acquire English.

Program Type: Virtual

Program Dates: TBD

Registration Link: Coming soon

CIS Contact: Meto Raha

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Science & Technology/Engineering District Leaders Network

Intended Audience: PK–12 school or district leaders with oversight and responsibility for science & technology/engineering (STE) programming and instruction or their designee.

Program Description: The 2024-2025 Science & Technology/Engineering Leaders Network (STEDLN) communicates key elements of the DESE Educational Vision to district science leaders & representatives, including the importance of selecting and implementing high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) with culturally and linguistically sustaining pedagogy (CLSP) as a lens to fully meet the expectations and intentions of the STE Frameworks. The 24-25 STEDLN will build on the resources, tools and strategies of the Instructional Leader Institute (ILI).

STEDLN meetings will offer opportunities for leaders to collaborate and network with equity as a frame (e.g. planning for and implementing HQIM, instruction grounded in the science & engineering practices, supports for multilingual learners), opportunities for DESE staff to share up-to-date research-based information and DESE resources (e.g. WIDA 2020 training on KLUs and ELDs, and supporting their identification/integration into HQIM, CLSP, climate change education), and for leaders to share expertise and knowledge with each other.

Program Type: Virtual, In-Person, Hybrid

Program Dates:
September 19, 2024 (Joint STEM Meeting)
November 20, 2024
January 9, 2025 (Virtual only)
March 13, 2025
May 8, 2025

Registration Link: CIS Content Leaders Network Registration 2024-2025

CIS Contact: Casandra Gonzalez

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Math Leaders Network

Intended Audience:
PK–12 school or district leaders with oversight and responsibility for Math programming and instruction or their designee.

Program Description:
The Math Leaders Network (MLN) is a professional network and community of learners that includes PreK–12 Math district and school leaders in MA. Members of the network engage in collaborative discussions relevant to their role as Math educators and leaders within their districts. There are opportunities to expand your professional network, share resources and strategies around equitable implementation of the MA curriculum frameworks using high-quality instructional materials, and provide input on DESE initiatives. During the 2024-2025 school year, there will be a mix of in-person and virtual meetings that include professional development, informal connection, and mentoring for leaders new in their role.

Program Type: Virtual, In-Person

Program Dates:
September 19, 2024 (in-person Joint STEM Meeting)
November 20, 2024 (in-person)
January 29, 2025 (Virtual)
March 19th, 2025 (Virtual)
May 8th, 2025 (in-person)

Registration Link: CIS Content Leaders Network Registration 2024-2025

CIS Contact:

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Digital Literacy and Computer Science Leaders Network

Intended Audience:
PK–12 district and school-based Digital Literacy and Computer Science leaders and/or their designee.

Program Description:
The Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) District Leaders Network is a professional network and community of learners that includes PreK–12 DLCS district and school leaders in MA. Members of the network engage in collaborative discussions relevant to their role as DLCS educators and leaders within their districts. Participants will share resources and strategies around broadening participation in DLCS education and selecting and implementing high quality DLCS curricula. The meetings will additionally provide updates and allow opportunity for feedback on DESE-related resources and opportunities. During the 2024-25 school year, there will be a mix of in-person and virtual meetings culminating with the DLCS Summit in the spring.

Program Type: Virtual, In-Person

Program Dates:

  • September 19, 2024 (in-person Joint STEM Meeting)
  • November 13, 2024 (in-person)
  • January 22, 2025 (virtual)
  • March 18, 2025 (in-person)
  • May 2025 — DLCS Summit (date TBD, in-person)
  • Meeting registration will be required for in-person meetings.

Registration Link: CIS Content Leaders Network Registration 2024-2025

CIS Contact:

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching

Intended Audience: Teachers Grades 7–12 and all who know of excellent 7–12 STEM teaching happening.

Program Description:
Each year MA strives to celebrate 6 state finalists for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST), which honors science, technology, engineering, math, and computer science teaching. This year the PAEMST award will honor educators of grade 7–12. Please consider nominating an educator or applying for this recognition yourself — PAEMST

Nominations will open in the fall and applications will be due early February.

Other educator recognitions happening across the Commonwealth can be found on our aMAzing educators' page: Educator Recognition Overview.

Program Type: Virtual

Program Dates: August 2024 – February 2025

Registration Link: PAEMST

CIS Contact: ;

Strategic Objective 3: Diverse and Effective Workforce

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Green Ribbon Schools Award Program

Intended Audience: PK–12 district and school leaders and educators

Program Description:
The Green Ribbon Schools recognition program honors schools and districts that are exemplary in reducing environmental impact and costs, improving the health and wellness of students and staff, and delivering effective environmental and sustainability education that incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), civic skills, and green career pathways. Each year, Massachusetts selects one or more schools or districts to honor at the state level; those honorees are then elevated to the U.S. Department of Education where they will have the opportunity to be honored as a national Green Ribbon School/District.

Program Type: Virtual

Program Dates: August 2024 – December 2024

Registration Link: The application process will open in August 2024. Visit the Green Ribbon Schools website to learn more.

CIS Contact:

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Type of Support: Programming

Science Curriculum Adaptation Program for Special Educators (SCAPE)

Intended Audience: Districts are invited to send a team including a combination of science and special education leaders who will return to the district to support science and special education teachers.

Program Description: In the 2025 SCAPE project, we will host a "train the trainer" fall institute for teams of science and special education leaders to come together and collaborate on a district professional learning plan to ensure science classrooms are inclusive for all students.

Participating district teams will learn about key structures and routines embedded in science HQIM, take a deep dive into an HQIM unit using DESE's "unit unpacking tool", and collaborate to develop in-district collaborative learning experiences for their teachers to use science HQIM and apply the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to reduce barriers for students with disabilities. Desired outcomes will be that all students, including students with moderate to severe learning disabilities, are well-supported to participate in quality science learning.

Program Type: Virtual, In-Person

Program Dates:
Institute: December 3–4, 2024
Winter & Spring Check-ins: TBD

Registration Link: (this is an interest form, not yet a registration) — SCAPE 2024-2025 Interest Form

CIS Contact:

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Arts Leaders Network

Partner with DESE and other current and aspiring PreK–12 arts leaders on contemporary topics to empower arts learning. Join us!

Are you looking for a free way to boost your leadership to advance arts education in Massachusetts? Then join the Arts Leaders Network community as it continues into its fifth exciting year.

In the Arts Leaders Network community, you will experience:

  • A community of other colleagues who are also committed to leading in arts education
  • Opportunities to collaborate
  • Engaging discussions relevant to the arts and your role as a leader
  • Sharing of resources and strategies for addressing various arts content priorities across the state.

Why Should You Join?
These free sessions may be considered stand-alone opportunities for you to engage in this important community. Attending all sessions provides you with a more deeply connected and cohesive experience.

Program Type: Virtual

Program Dates
Network Meetings: 10/08, 01/07, 03/11, 05/06 from 4:00 pm–5:30pm

Enroll Today!
Registration Link: CIS Content Leaders Network Registration

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Principal and Teacher Advisory Cabinet

Intended Audience: K–12 Teachers and Leaders

Program Description:
The Massachusetts DESE Teacher and Principal Advisory Cabinet is a diverse stakeholder group of educators (teachers and leaders) who play a critical role in shaping policy and driving resource development that supports educator effectiveness. Since its inception in 2012, this cabinet has created leadership opportunities, elevated excellent teaching and leadership, and made space for networking and collaboration for educators across the state.
In SY2024-25, the Teacher and Principal Advisory Cabinets will review and provide feedback on several key projects that focus explicitly on efforts to develop and sustain a workforce that is diverse, culturally responsive, well-prepared, and committed to continuous improvement so that all students have equitable access to effective teachers.

Program Type: Hybrid

Program Dates: September 2024 – May 2025

Registration Link: 2024-2025 Principal and Teacher Advisory Cabinet Application

CIS Contact: Joretha Lewis

Strategic Objective 3: Diverse and Effective Workforce

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Leadership Network on Culturally & Linguistically Sustaining Practices

Intended Audience: K–12 Leaders

Program Description:
The Leadership Network on Culturally & Linguistically Sustaining Practices is a professional development opportunity and learning space for school leaders to understand the necessity for culturally and linguistically sustaining practices in their schools, and foster an inclusive community that builds on teachers, student, and family assets. Through this six-session network, leaders will deepen their individual and collective capacity to demonstrate culturally and linguistically sustaining practices, thus leading their school to improved outcomes for all students.

Program Type: Virtual

Program Dates: October 2024 – May 2025

Registration Link: 2024-2025 CLSP Network Registration

CIS Contact: Joretha Lewis

Strategic Objective 3: Diverse and Effective Workforce

Type of Support: Professional Learning

High Dosage Math Tutoring Program Available for 4th and 8th students

Intended Audience: All Massachusetts public school districts, schools, and charter schools are eligible to apply

Program Description:

Building on the resounding success of the High Dosage Math Tutoring Program in FY24, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is excited to extend this initiative into FY25. This program is a testament to DESE's vision for educational excellence and its commitment to fostering equitable opportunities for all students, especially those from historically marginalized communities.

The High Dosage Math Tutoring Program aligns with DESE's educational vision by promoting deeper learning and supporting the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). It is designed to cater to the whole student experience, addressing individual strengths, needs, and diverse backgrounds. Through high dosage tutoring services, the program provides targeted math interventions that help 4th and 8th grades students excel in mathematics, creating an affirming environment where they are known, valued, and held to high expectations. The ultimate goal is to ensure that all students thrive in their mathematical learning experiences.

This supplemental support is delivered through a structured cohort-based model with a specific duration and dosage. The targeted approach aims to accelerate academic growth and ensure sustained progress for long-term academic success, staying in line with DESE's commitment to providing high-quality education for all students.

Program Type: Virtual

Program Dates: September 2024 – June 2025

Registration Link: For more information, please visit DESE Tutoring Information

CIS Contact: Fabrice Kandjanga, .

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Type of Support: Programming

Evaluate and Select High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) Network

Intended Audience: District/School administrators and coaches from MA districts, charters, or collaboratives, K–12

Program Description:
Evaluate and Select High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) Network combines virtual sessions with personalized support to engage district teams in a guided, individualized, equity-focused HQIM adoption process outlined in the first three phases of IMplement MA. Local Education Agency (LEA) teams of 2–4 educators will be supported by Department staff and provided with Department-developed tools and other resources to complete one or more phases of IMplement MA, grounded in the LEA's localized needs and equity priorities. Participants commit to attend all sessions of the Network, meet as a working leadership team, and lead all Curriculum Selection Council meetings at their school/district level throughout the 24-25 school year.

To learn more about the IMplement MA process through the Evaluate and Select HQIM Network, please register to attend the August informational session:

To join the network, please use the registration link:

Program Type: Virtual

Program Dates:

  • Team Leader Kickoff: 9/18 from 3–4pm
  • Network Team Meetings: 10/2, 11/6, 12/11, 1/8, 2/5, 3/5, 6/4 from 9am–12pm

CIS Contact:

Strategic Objective:

STEM Newsletter

Intended Audience: Educators and administrators with an interest in PK–12 STEM programming

Program Description: Stay informed with the latest in STEM by subscribing to our monthly newsletter. Each issue delivers the most current news, updates, and information about upcoming programs directly to your inbox. Don't miss out on exclusive content, expert insights, and opportunities to engage with the STEM community. Sign up today to stay connected and stay ahead in the world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

Program Type: Virtual

Program Dates: Monthly

Registration Link: Join our mailing List

CIS Contact:

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Type of Support: Guidance, Resources, and Tools

Science Classroom Performance Assessments

Intended Audience: Grades K–8 Science educators, coaches, curriculum leaders

Program Description: Pending funding, this program will provide resources and professional learning for classroom-based, curriculum-embedded performance tasks in K–8 science with implementation and instructional supports aligned to the Innovative Assessment (STE).

Program Type: Virtual, In-Person, Hybrid

Program Dates: TBD

Registration Link: coming soon

CIS Contact:

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Civics Pathways

Civics Pathways: Take Your Civics Teaching to the Next Level with Flexible Learning That Meets Your Needs

Are you an educator teaching civics or social studies looking to sharpen your skills, explore new resources, and expand your toolbox of instructional strategies? The DESE Civics Pathways provide free opportunities to learn from experienced Massachusetts classroom teachers through in-person workshops, virtual sessions, collaborative Zoom learning hours, and self-paced online modules. Pick and choose the offerings that meet your needs from across three Pathways:

  • Pathway 1: Facilitating the Student-Led Civics Project
  • Pathway 2: Powerful Pedagogies for Civic Learning, Grades 6–12
  • Pathway 3: Civic Learning in Grades K–5

Whether you are an elementary teacher eager to make civics a larger focus of your school day, an eighth-grade teacher interested in pushing your students' civics projects to be even more powerful, or a high-school teacher who wants to facilitate richer classroom conversations about difficult topics, there is a Pathway for you! Follow an entire Pathway from start to finish or combine sessions to build your own learning plan — and either way, you'll earn PDPs for your participation in workshops and online courses.

View the complete schedule of pathways offerings or register here!

For more information, contact Reuben Henriques .

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

History/Social Science Leaders Network

Connect and Collaborate with History/Social Science Leaders Across Massachusetts!

Join DESE's vibrant network of hundreds of school- and district-level leaders working to support engaging and relevant history, social science, and civics curriculum and instruction. Through virtual and in-person meetings, as well as an active online community, in the History/Social Science Leaders Network, we:

  • Learn together: We engage in professional learning around topics like elementary social studies, curriculum adoption, and developing teachers' pedagogy.
  • Problem-solve together: We collaborate around common leadership and instructional challenges and share ideas, resources, and strategies.
  • Work together: We build our community of practice and strengthen the professional relationships that we can draw on in our day-to-day work as educators and leaders.

Network members also have opportunities to share their voice and help shape DESE resources, guidance, and programs throughout the year.

Using Investigating History in 2024-25? The network will include opportunities to be part of an Investigating History Leaders Community of Practice, supported in part by the One8 Foundation, which can help deepen your thinking about effective pedagogical support and strategic curriculum implementation.

Join your colleagues statewide and become part of our growing community!
Network dates are available at the registration link above. For more information, contact Reuben Henriques .

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS) 5–12 MTEL Review course voucher

Intended Audience: Candidates for the DLCS 5–12 Teacher License who have CS content knowledge and would like a content review prior to taking the MTEL

Program Description:
DESE is offering a course voucher for a DLCS MTEL Review course for teacher candidates who are interested in acquiring a DLCS 5–12 Teacher license and have CS content knowledge. Cambridge College is offering a virtual course. The course is comprised of four DLCS topic areas:

  • Computational Thinking: Data Structure and Algorithms
  • Computers Software and Networks
  • Computer and Society
  • Computer Programming

The course runs for a 5-week period and awards 3 graduate credits.

Vouchers are available for those candidates who meet the eligibility requirements. Candidates will be asked to answer a short questionnaire to determine eligibility.

Program Type: Virtual

Program Dates: A fall cohort and a spring cohort will be available if there is a minimum of 10 registrants in each cohort.

Contact: Professor John N. Papadonis

CIS Contact: Paula Moore

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Aspiring Principals Fellowship

Intended Audience:
K–12 Teachers and Leaders

Program Description:
The Massachusetts Aspiring Principal Fellowship, a one-year program that seeks to cultivate a strong and diverse pipeline of effective school principals who are committed to championing cultural responsiveness, equity, and anti-racism. This program aims to inspire and empower aspiring principals to lead with vision, passion, and purpose, and to create a brighter future for all students.

Program Dates: August 2024 – June 2025

Registration: Cohort 2025-2026 Interest Form

CIS Contact: Joretha Lewis

Strategic Objective 3: Diverse and Effective Workforce

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Partnership for Reading Success — Massachusetts (PRISM)

Improve Early Literacy in Your Schools by Applying to PRISM Today!
Are you a literacy leader focused on improving early literacy achievement in your district? Looking to meet the varied literacy needs of all learners? The Partnership for Reading Success — Massachusetts (PRISM) grant is for you!

About the Grant:

PRISM grants will provide:

  • Funding for high quality materials, assessments, stipends, and professional development
  • Resources to support leadership development, instructional shifts, and sustainability
  • Time to build, implement, and sustain literacy improvement systems across the next five years

Why Apply?

  • Develop culturally and linguistically sustaining systems and practices to support literacy
  • Strengthen supports and interventions to meet all students' needs
  • Improve students' experiences and outcomes
  • Collaborate with experts and other leaders from across the state

PRISM Grant Opportunity — Apply Now!

Visit the PRISM website to learn more about the grant activities and application process. Please see the Request for Proposal for a full explanation of the grant program, including eligibility and deadlines. Contact with any questions.

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Supporting Secondary Literacy Grant

Improve Secondary Literacy in Your District by Applying to the Supporting Secondary Literacy Grant Today!
Are you a literacy leader focused on improving secondary literacy achievement in your district? Looking to increase access to high-quality instructional materials in your classrooms? The Supporting Secondary Literacy grant is for you!

Supporting Secondary Literacy grants will provide:

  • Funding for high-quality instructional materials and professional development
  • Resources to support launching a new curriculum, leadership development, instructional shifts, and sustainability

Why Apply?

  • Purchase and implement high quality instructional materials
  • Develop culturally and linguistically sustaining systems and practices
  • Build teachers' efficacy
  • Improve students' experiences and outcomes
  • Transform Secondary Literacy in Your District!

Grant opportunity coming soon.

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning


Access Free Reading Foundational Skills in Kindergarten to Grade 2 with Appleseeds
Appleseeds: Evidence-Based Foundational Skills for MA is a free, complete package of instructional materials for reading foundational skills in Kindergarten through Grade 2. Appleseeds districts are seeing exciting results within the first year of implementation. Appleseeds can be a great resource for you if you need strong curricular materials for reading foundational skills.

Appleseeds Key Features

  • Comprehensive suite of materials: hands-on phonics materials, lesson plans, student workbooks, decodable readers, assessments, and a curriculum-specific multilingual learner guide
  • Evidence-based scope and sequence: progresses from simple to more complex skill development, using a systematic and explicit instructional approach
  • Diverse and authentic characters: Updated materials and lesson activities increase student engagement and provide a sense of connection

Why Educators and Students Are Saying

"They're feeling comfortable partner reading with other kids. Their skills are just amazing — and it's showing in my data!" — MA Kindergarten Teacher

"I've been teaching for 7 years, and using Appleseeds is the first time I've felt like I understand how to teach reading." — MA Kindergarten Teacher

"My favorite part of the Appleseeds program is learning new spellings, reading decodables and answering questions for the stories." — MA Grade 2 Student

Access the curricular resources and implementation supports to make a difference in your classrooms.

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Adolescent Literacy Intervention Selection Tool (A-LIST)

Learn about the tool and consider joining us as an adolescent literacy intervention reviewer!

Are you an educator in Massachusetts with strong experience in adolescent literacy intervention (grades 4–12)? Are you passionate about sharing evidence-based and culturally and linguistically sustaining practices in literacy to support others? Then share your knowledge and expertise and be part of the A-LIST Expert Reviewer Panel!

What is the A-LIST?
The Adolescent Literacy Intervention Tool (A-LIST) provides information about literacy intervention programs for grades 4–12 to help educators make informed intervention program choices. Visit the A-LIST to learn more!

What will you do?
You will work with other educators with strong backgrounds in adolescent literacy instruction to review intervention programs for evidence of alignment to the recommendations in the IES Practice Guide: Providing Reading Interventions for Students in Grades 4–9 as well as to culturally and linguistically sustaining practices.

Let's hear from past reviewers!

The work we did was very powerful and educational for me. I have a greater sense of the different ways to assess and evaluate the potential effectiveness of a given reading program. — MA Middle School Educator

This was an excellent experience and I have learned a lot. I always enjoy engaging in professional dialogue with fellow educators! — MA High School Educator

The A-LIST review experience was really thoughtfully facilitated and professionally worthwhile. — MA English Language Development Educator

Get started today!
Apply now to participate in scoring panels for the 24-25 school year. Panels scoring dates are TBA. Applications are being gathered on a rolling basis and will be reviewed as panel scoring opportunities become available. Reach out to Donna Goldstein with any questions!

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

ELA/Literacy HQIM Communities of Practice

Join Our ELA/Literacy HQIM Communities of Practice!
Is your school or district in the first 1–3 years of implementing CKLA/Amplify or EL Education for ELA/Literacy in grades K–5 or 6–8 and seeking a supportive community environment where you can connect and collaborate with fellow leaders? Look no further than our newly established ELA/Literacy HQIM Communities of Practice network.

ELA/Literacy HQIM Communities of Practice Logistics
Our free hybrid bi-monthly network is structured to give tailored support around your specific HQIM and grade band. Each session will foster a supportive community environment where teams can connect and collaborate with fellow leaders. This initiative will span from September 2024 to June 2025. See the application linked below for meeting-specific dates and times.

What You'll Gain:

  • Content & Curricular Learning: Understand the components of high-quality instructional materials and how they align to the MA ELA/Literacy Curriculum Frameworks and WIDA Standards.
  • Effective Practices to Support All Learners: Skillfully support the implementation of high-quality instructional materials and culturally and linguistically sustaining practices by deeply examining what relevant, real-world, and interactive grade-level work looks and sounds like to foster deeper learning for all learners.
  • Access to Resources: Utilize equity-centered instructional tools and routines (Unit Unpacking, Lesson Internalization, Looking at Student Work, Observation Tool) to unpack units, plan lessons, and adapt instructional materials to meet diverse learner needs.
  • Strategic Planning for Successful Implementation: Develop, expand, and/or revise your School/District Implementation Plan to apply your understanding of equity-centered tools and routines to effectively support culturally and linguistically sustaining implementation.

More Information and Application Link: Register your team to join the ELA/Literacy HQIM Communities of Practice.

Due Date: September 23, 2024

For any questions, please email Lori McNally .

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Massachusetts Dyslexia Institute

Join DESE's Free Massachusetts Dyslexia Institute hosted by Crafting Minds!
Are you a charter or district-based team looking to develop an action plan to support students at risk of or diagnosed with dyslexia? DESE is thrilled to once again offer the Dyslexia Institute! The Institute will provide teams with the tools needed to create general and special education structures and supports to meet the needs of students at risk of poor reading outcomes, including dyslexia.

Why Participate in the Dyslexia Institute?
Learn from experts about the components needed to build an effective Dyslexia Action Plan for your district. Key topics covered in the MA Dyslexia institute include:

  • Early Literacy Universal Screening
  • Data Interpretation
  • Tiered Intervention
  • Progress Monitoring
  • Special Education Referral Process
  • Special Education Evaluation and Assessment Tools
  • IEP Goals and Objectives
  • Subtypes of Dyslexia
  • Multilingual Learners and Dyslexia

Save the Dates!
Pre-Work: Tuesday, October 29th 3:30 – 5:00 pm | Live Virtual
Module 1: Friday, November 22nd 9:30 am – 3:30 pm | In-person
Module 2: November 23 – December 12th | Self-guided
Module 3: November 23 – December 12th | Self-guided
Module 4: Friday, December 13th 9:30 am – 3:30 pm | In person
Module 5: December 14 – January 9th | Self-guided
Module 6: Friday, January 10th 9:30 am – 3:30 pm | In person
Module 7: Friday, March 14th 9:30 am – 3:30 pm | In person

More Information and Application Link: Register your team to be a part of this comprehensive 45-hour course which will meet in-person and asynchronously here.

Due Date: October 3, 2024, at 5pm.

For any questions, please email Alex Osburn .

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Mass Literacy Online Course

Enhance Your Teaching Skills with the Free Mass Literacy Online Course!
Are you an educator in Massachusetts looking to boost your early literacy knowledge and teaching skills? The Mass Literacy Guide has been empowering educators since 2020 with practical strategies and resources for preK–3 literacy. Now educators can dive deeper with our Free, self-paced course.

What You'll Learn

  • Evidence-based practices: Master strategies for teaching foundational literacy skills and engaging with complex texts.
  • Screening Assessment: Learn to use reliable screening tools to understand and meet your students' needs.
  • Data-Driven Instruction: Develop routines for reviewing data and planning responsive instruction.

Why Take This Course?
"This course has opened up a new world of knowledge for me. The Mass Literacy Guide is an amazing resource that meets Massachusetts teachers where they are." — MA first grade teacher

Get Started Today
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Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Literacy Leaders Network

Connect, Collaborate and Learn with Literacy Leaders Across Massachusetts!
Are you passionate about promoting literacy and making a lasting impact on education across the state? Join the Massachusetts Literacy Leaders Network, a dynamic community of school and district level-leaders and change-makers dedicated to advancing literacy for all.

  • Collaborate and Connect: Share ideas, resources, and best practices with fellow literacy leaders through our shared best practices to center equity.
  • Professional Development: Access exclusive workshops, webinars, and training sessions to enhance your skills and knowledge on evidence-based literacy instruction and culturally and linguistically sustaining practices for literacy
  • Advocacy and Impact: Be a part of statewide initiatives that drive positive change in literacy education.
  • Support and Resources: Gain access to a wealth of tools, research, and support from experts in the field.
  • Community and Networking: Build lasting relationships with like-minded professionals who share your passion for literacy.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of learners across Massachusetts. Join us and become a driving force for evidence-based, culturally and linguistically sustaining literacy curriculum, instruction, and assessment!

Join your colleagues statewide and become part of our growing community of leaders! Network dates are available at the registration link. For more information, contact Linda Sewnarine .

Strategic Objective 2: Deeper Learning

Early Literacy Professional Learning Community

Intended Audience:
Faculty members from sponsoring organizations with Elementary, Early Childhood, and Moderate Disabilities PK–8 and/or Moderate Disabilities PK–2 licensure programs

Program Description:
In accordance with Mass Literacy and Governor Healey's Literacy Launch initiative, the Office of Educator Effectiveness launched the Early Literacy Professional Learning Community in spring 2024 in order to provide higher education faculty in Elementary, Early Childhood, and Moderate Disabilities PK–8 /PK–2 programs with an opportunity to engage in professional development to support programmatic shifts to meet the Early Literacy Program Approval Criteria . The Spring 2024 PLC supported 42 faculty members from 23 educator preparation programs; this first cohort will continue in Fall 2024. The PLC will expand to include a second cohort that extends from Fall 2024 through Spring 2025. Both cohorts will work to support their educator preparation programs align to the Early Literacy Program Approval Criteria by engaging with experts on evidence-based, culturally and linguistically sustaining early literacy instruction, sharing promising practices, and tackling shared problems of practice.

Program Type: Virtual

Program Dates: Fall and Spring Semesters of SY24-25

Registration Link: TBA

CIS Contact:

Strategic Objective 3: Diverse and Effective Workforce

Type of Support: Professional Learning

Regional Licensure Assistance Centers

Intended Audience:
Emergency license holders working in a MA school

Program Description:
The five contracted Regional Licensure Assistance Centers will provide targeted, comprehensive licensure support to currently employed emergency licensed teachers (including previously emergency licensed teachers now teaching on waivers) to convert to provisional or initial licenses.

Program Type: Virtual, In-Person

Program Dates: Now – August 2025

Registration Link: Please reach out to one of the contacts listed on our website here: Regional Centers for Emergency License Support.

CIS Contact:

Strategic Objective 3: Diverse and Effective Workforce

Type of Support: Programming

Last Updated: September 12, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


Disclaimer: A reference in this website to any specific commercial products, processes, or services, or the use of any trade, firm, or corporation name is for the information and convenience of the public and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.