Center for Instructional Support

Why Curriculum Matters

Curricular materials can make a real difference. Read more about the research and the case for High Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM).

What Is Curriculum?

  • Curricular materials are resources teachers use to facilitate sequences of learning experiences (e.g., lesson and unit plans, texts); also called adopted or written curriculum, or instructional materials.
  • A curriculum is a sequence of student learning experiences teachers facilitate using curricular materials as a foundation (not a script!); also called enacted or taught curriculum.

Why Does Curriculum Matter?

Curricular materials can make a real difference. Providing teachers with access to higher-quality, better-aligned curricular materials can prompt improvement in student outcomes:

Curricular materials can also be a powerful way to narrow opportunity gaps and accelerate student learning at scale.

Last Updated: January 12, 2022