The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is excited to share an opportunity for districts to partner with tutoring vendors for no-cost high dosage tutoring in mathematics (grade 4 and grade 8) as well as early literacy (grades K–3) to accelerate student learning. High dosage tutoring builds prerequisite and foundational skills to set students up for success with the current grade's core content.
The Department has approved vendors to provide high dosage tutoring that is:
What are the logistics of high dosage tutoring with the Department?
Achieving proficiency in reading by grade 3 is considered a milestone for long-term success in school and in life because of its correlation to a range of positive educational and life outcomes. Early literacy tutoring content focuses on building foundational skills including, phonological awareness, phonics knowledge and decoding skills to help students become independent fluent readers. For more information, please click on the links below.
Models Offered This document shares information about the variety of models currently offered, including frequency and duration of service. Please note that not all models are available at any given time.
Interest FormThis form should be completed by school/district liaison to share general information and tutoring interest.
For any additional questions, please contact .
These services are supplemental to regular instructional time and are delivered virtually through a structured cohort-based model with a specific duration and dosage. Tutoring services will take place from September 2024 to June 2025, during school hours, and scheduled based on approximately 12-week cycles.
Interest FormThis form should be completed by school/district liaison to share general information and tutoring interests.
For any additional questions, please contact .
Last Updated: May 2, 2024