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Center for Instructional Support
CUrriculum RAtings by TEachers (CURATE)

Rubrics and Other CURATE Resources

CURATE rubrics articulate the Department's expectations of high-quality instructional materials, aligned to the current Massachusetts Educational Vision, curriculum frameworks and standards of effective teaching practice. CURATE panelists use these rubrics to evaluate and rate alignment and evidence of quality to communicate, through user-friendly reports, the extent to which reviewed curricular materials will well serve and strongly support Massachusetts students and teachers, based upon Massachusetts equity priorities (e.g., accessibility, inclusion, representation, inclusive, and culturally & linguistically sustaining practices), so all students have equitable access to grade-appropriate instruction and learning experiences that promote deeper learning.

Current Rubrics

Rubric Updates

  • In August 2024, updated were the "Notes and Tips" to refine guidance that clarified indicator language and change references to "English learners" to "multilingual learners." "Resources" were updated to address broken links and delete outdated resources.
  • In August 2023, updated were the "Notes and Tips" and "Resources" sections. Although no indicator or criterion language was changed, the updates were to strengthen reviewers' consideration of indicators other than 3C/4C (4C/5C, ELA K-5) that could be used to provide evidence of supports and resources for English learners.
  • In August 2022, updated were the "Notes and Tips" section to clarify indicator language, but no substantive changes to rubric indicators were made.
  • In August 2021, changes to integrate inclusive and culturally responsive practice more intentionally throughout rubric indicators were made, including the "Notes and Tips" to clarify rubric indicator language.

    Additionally, in August 2021, the ELA/Literacy K–12 rubric was separated into the ELA/Literacy K–5 and ELA/Literacy 6–12 rubrics. Foundational Skills was added as a criterion in the Standards Alignment domain of the K–5 ELA/Literacy rubric, to evaluate all components of foundational skills for reading instruction. Before this change, Foundational Skills was evaluated broadly at the indicator level of the rubric. Reports published after August 2021 will contain an evaluation of Foundational Skills at the criterion level. Reports for K–5 ELA/Literacy materials reviewed using the pre-August 2021 rubric are archived.

Other CURATE Resources

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Last Updated: September 4, 2024

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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