Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Center for Instructional Support
CUrriculum RAtings by TEachers (CURATE)


The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) relies on the expertise of Massachusetts teachers to review and rate the alignment and quality of core curricular materials. In partnership with the Rennie Center, DESE convenes panels of Massachusetts teachers from diverse contexts, backgrounds, and experiences to evaluate and report on materials' quality and alignment to Massachusetts learning standards and other equity priorities (e.g., accessibility, inclusion, representation, culturally & linguistically sustaining practices). The work of the panel leads to a series of user-friendly reports to supports schools and districts to make informed, localized decisions about curricula.

By serving as a CURATE Fellow, Massachusetts teachers not only gain deep insight into the quality and alignment of a variety of curricular materials but also expand their leadership influence in their schools, districts, and across the state without leaving the classroom. To learn more about this opportunity, use this link.

CURATE Fellow Reflections

What our CURATE Fellows had to say about their CURATE experience.

  • "This CURATE Fellowship is a really exciting opportunity. It draws an important cross section of teachers from varying state settings."
    — CURATE Fellow, SY22-23

  • "I am very pleased to have been a part of this CURATE panel. I feel the work we did was important for students around Massachusetts to be working with high-quality materials [that] aid equitable instruction."
    — CURATE Fellow, SY23-24

  • "Thank you for this experience which allowed me to grow professionally while being of service to my profession."
    — CURATE Fellow, SY22-23

  • "Excellent experience. Highly recommend participating."
    — CURATE Fellow, SY23-24

Apply Today!

Are you a current classroom teacher or were a classroom teacher in the last two years? Are you passionate about standards-aligned curriculum and its potential for strengthening the instructional core? Do you care about issues of equity, accessibility, and inclusion? If yes, complete this interest form to be notified when applications open for the Department's CURATE project.

Contact Us

For questions about CURATE, please email

Last Updated: September 5, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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