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Center for Instructional Support
CUrriculum RAtings by TEachers (CURATE)

Reviews and Related Information

Explore this page to find current information on curricular materials under review, upcoming reports, and gateway evaluations.

Under Review

CURATE reviews take place over the course of a fall or spring semester, followed by a period of quality review and publisher response process. Reports are typically published three to four months after the semester ends. The materials listed below are currently under review. Learn more about our process.

  • ELA/Literacy K–5
    • Amplify CKLA (Amplify, 2015)
    • Wit & Wisdom (Great Minds, 2023)
  • ELA/Literacy 6–8
    • Imagine Learning EL Education (Imagine Learning, 2020)
    • Wit & Wisdom (Great Minds, 2023)
  • History and Social Science 9–12
    • U.S. History Interactive (Savvas, 2022)
  • Mathematics K–5
    • Open Up Resources K–5 Math (Open Up Resources, 2022)
    • Reveal Math (McGraw Hill, 2022)

Upcoming Reviews

During the next CURATE semester, the Department is prioritizing and anticipating reviews of core curricular materials for the content areas and grade bands listed.

  • English Language Arts/Literacy K–5
  • English Language Arts/Literacy 6–12
  • Mathematics K–8
  • Science and Technology/Engineering K–8

Upcoming Reports

CURATE reports are the culmination of a semester-long review process from Massachusetts teacher fellows and are intended to be a resource to support schools and districts to make informed, localized decisions about curricula. Upcoming reports are for core curricular products reviewed during the previous semester. Access current reports.

  • ELA/Literacy
    • myPerspectives 9–12 (Savvas, 2022)
    • Odell Education High School Literacy Program 9–12 (Odell Education, 2020)
  • Math
    • Eureka Math2 K–5 (Great Minds, 2021)
    • Illustrative Mathematics K–5 (Kendall Hunt/McGraw Hill, 2021)
  • Science
    • Amplify Science K–5 (Amplify. 2022)

Curricular Landscape Analyses & Gateway Evaluations

CURATE panels review only comprehensive core curricular materials that have been found by an independent, transparent, educator-driven gateway evaluation process to be partially or fully aligned to college- and career-ready standards. The CURATE gateway evaluator for ELA/Literacy, mathematics, and science & technology/engineering curricular materials is typically EdReports, contracted with through a no-cost RFR. For content areas that fall outside the scope of EdReports, the Department posts an RFR and contracts with a vendor to conduct a landscape analysis of available curricular materials and facilitate an educator-driven gateway evaluation. Below are the gateway evaluations for which the Department contracted for, in order of most recent.

Comprehensive Health and Physical Education (CHPE)

In 2023, DESE contracted with Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy and Lighthouse Wellness and Health Education Consulting to conduct a landscape analysis of curricular materials available to support the implementation of the 2023 Comprehensive Health and Physical Education (CPHE) Framework. The CHPE Curriculum Guide published in July 2024 provides an overview of how aligned available CHPE curricula are with the CHPE Framework. The Guide will be updated on a periodic basis.

CURATE reviews of materials in the CHPE Curriculum Guide are not anticipated currently because the CHPE products included in the Guide are not comprehensive core materials, which is the focus of CURATE reviews. Comprehensive core materials are print or digital materials that cover all the knowledge and skills outlined in their respective curriculum framework. They are designed typically for use as the standalone primary instructional materials for core instruction through which all students access grade-level content and language standards during a year or semester of study, to support coherent sequence and progression of grade-appropriate knowledge, skills, and practices.

History and Social Science (HSS)

The Department contracted with Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy in Spring 2023 to conduct an updated landscape analysis and resulting gateway evaluation for History and Social Science (HSS). Based on the findings of the gateway evaluation for Grades K–5, Grade 8, Grades 9–12, CURATE reviews of HSS core curricular materials are launching in SY2024-25. Grades 6 and 7 were not included in this evaluation, in part, because the Department's Investigating History curriculum provides a free, high-quality, comprehensive option for these grade levels.

The History Social Science Curricular Materials Guide published in January 2024 provides information on core HSS materials for Grades K–5, Grade 8, and Grades 9–12, specifies which products met baseline expectations for quality and qualify for a CURATE review, and provides information on highlighted supplemental resources, including those focused on Massachusetts priority areas such as supporting culturally and linguistically sustaining instruction, the student-led civics project, and genocide education.

For more information on the Rennie Center's HSS curriculum review as a gateway into CURATE, please contact the Rennie Center at .

Digital Literacy & Computer Science (DLCS)

For Digital Literacy and Computer Science (DLCS), DESE contracted with STEM Learning Design to conduct a landscape analysis and gateway evaluation, the result of which was published in the 2022 Digital Literacy and Computer Science Curriculum Guide . Based on this DLCS curriculum guide, CURATE reviews for Digital Literacy and Computer Science launched in SY2022-23.

Last Updated: August 30, 2024

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