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SIMS Summary Report Explanation

The following provides explanation of the SIMS summary reports available to districts after they submit SIMS data. It is very important for districts to carefully review the data in these reports before certifying their SIMS submission.

Report 1: Foundation Enrollment — Counted (District Summary)

October only

This report summarizes for your district the number of students reported to be enrolled on October 1 who are residents of your district, or reside in cities or towns that are members of your district. This report also includes students who are enrolled in your district as METCO students, are enrolled from other districts with the tuition waived, and who are enrolled in your district because of foster care school of origin determination. The report provides the breakdown by program area that is necessary for calculating foundation enrollment and provides data from the prior school year for comparison.

If your district has one or more totals that are more than 10 percent different from the prior year, and that difference represents more than 10 students, a note will appear below the data table indicating that you should re-check your district's data. Such a change from year to year is unlikely, although not impossible.

This report is not the complete picture for your district's foundation enrollment. See the explanation below for Report 3.

For more information about how Chapter 70 is generated, please review the Foundation Enrollment description on the School Finance website.

Report 2: Foundation Enrollment — Not Counted (District Summary)

October only

This report provides a detailed list of all students not counted in Report 1, with the relevant SIMS data elements. The students are on the list for the following reason(s):

  1. Within Foundation regulations, the students should not be included in Chapter 70 allocations (see Foundation Enrollment description ).
  2. It may be that students are on this list as a result of a district reporting error. If that is the case, the district should review the records to confirm transfer, graduate, dropout, or services-only status.

Report 3: Foundation Enrollment (Town Summary)

October only

This report summarizes for your district the number of students reported to be enrolled on October 1 in other districts but who are residents of your district. This report includes students who are attending other districts through school choice, charter schools, Chapter 74, or tuition agreements.

If your district has one or more totals that are more than 10 percent different from the prior year, and that difference represents more than 10 students, a note will appear below the data table indicating that you should re-check your district's data. Such a change from year to year is unlikely, although not impossible.

For more information about how Chapter 70 is generated, please review the Foundation Enrollment description on the School Finance website.

Report 4: Enrollment Statistics (School Summary)

October, March and EOY

This report is produced for each school in your district, except school codes 09200300 (DYS) and 09200500 (Correctional Facilities), and provides a summary of all students enrolled in each school on the report date (October 1, March 1, last day of school). The report provides breakdowns for various demographic groups and program areas.

All students with a Reason for Reporting (DOE011) = 01 or 03, and Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 01 are included in the following groups.

For EOY reporting, graduates and certificate students are also included. This is determined by Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 04, 10, or 11.

  • The count of students by Grade (DOE016 = PK, KP, KF, KT, 1-12, and SP)
  • The count of students by Gender (DOE009)
  • The count of students by Race (DOE010)
  • EL students (DOE025) by program (DOE026)-All students with EL (DOE025) = 01 AND EL Program (DOE026) = 00-04 are included.

Other populations:

  • Immigrant (DOE022) = 01
  • Special Education (DOE034) = 08-90
  • Title 1 (DOE020) = 01-27
  • First Language not English (DOE024) not equal to 267 (English)

Report 5: Enrollment Statistics (District Summary)

October, March and EOY

This report is produced for your district and provides a summary of all students enrolled in each public school on the report date. The report provides breakdowns for various demographic groups and program areas. The report rules are the same as Report 4.

Report 6: Special Education Enrollment Statistics (School Summary)

October, March and EOY

This report is produced for each school in your district and provides a summary of all students who are enrolled in each school on the reporting date. The report provides breakdowns by Placement (DOE034) and by Disability (DOE036) by grade (DOE016) for all students with Reason for Reporting (DOE011) = 01, or 03 and Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 01. The report does not include students whose school code indicates placement in DYS or a correctional facility (DOE015 = 09200300 or 09200500).

  • Placement: Includes the count of students with Special Education Placement (DOE034) = 08-90.
  • Disability: Includes the count of students with Special Education Placement (DOE034) = 08-90 listed by Nature of Primary Disability (DOE036) = 01-13.

For EOY reporting, graduates and certificate students are also included for both categories. This is determined by Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 04, 10, or 11.

Report 7: Special Education Enrollment Statistics (District Summary)

October, March and EOY

This report provides a district summary of all students who are enrolled in the district or are the financial responsibility of the district on the reporting date AND are receiving special education services. The report provides breakdowns by Placement (DOE034) and by Disability (DOE036) by grade (DOE016) for all the students with Reason for Reporting (DOE011) = 01, 02, or 03 and Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 01 or 40. The report does not include students whose school code indicates placement in DYS or a correctional facility (DOE015 = 09200300 or 09200500).

  • Placement: Includes the count of students with Special Education Placement (DOE034) = 08-90.
  • Disability: Includes the count of students with Special Education Placement (DOE034) = 08-90 listed by Nature of Primary Disability (DOE036) = 01-13.

We also include the following:

  • Students educated out-of-district, determined by Reason for Reporting (DOE011) = 02, Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 01 and Special Education Placement (DOE034) = 08-90. This count is displayed separately under the "Out of District Placement" category.
  • Students receiving special education services only, determined by Reason for Reporting (DOE011) = 01 and Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 40 and Special Education Placement (DOE034) = 08-90. This count is displayed separately under the "Special Education Services" category.

For EOY reporting, graduates and certificate students are also included for all of the above categories. This is determined by Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 04, 10, or 11.

Report 8a: Summer Status (School Summary)

October only

This report includes counts of students whose status changed over the summer. These are students who completed the previous school year, but did not return to school at the beginning of this school year because they transferred, dropped out, graduated, or received a certificate of attainment over the summer.

  • All students in Grades (DOE016) 6-12 with an Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 04, 10, or 11 and Days in Attendance (DOE017) = 555 and Days in Membership (DOE018) = 555.

Report 8b: Summer Status (District Summary)

October only

The report uses the same rules as report 8a.

Report 9a: Career and Technical Education Students (School Summary)

October, March and EOY

This report provides summary data by school of students in Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs. The data are provided by grade, by program type, by technical competency attainment, by special populations, and by Chapter 74 and Non-Chapter 74 programs.

  • Students in grades (DOE016) = 09-12 and SP with Reason for Reporting (DOE011) = 01 or 03 and an Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 01, CTE-Type of Program (DOE035) = 02-05, 13, or 14, CTE-Technical Competency Attainment (DOE031) = 01-07, CTE-Special Population (DOE042) = 01-03, CTE-Chapter 74-Approved Program Participation (DOE043) not equal to 500 and Non-Chapter 74 Program Participation (DOE044) not equal to 500 are included.

For EOY reporting, all students with an Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 04, 10, or 11 are also included.

  • School codes 09200300 and 09200500 are excluded.

Report 9b: Career and Technical Education Students (District Summary)

October, March and EOY

This report uses the same rules as report 9a.

Report 10: Grade Retention (District/School Summary)

October only

This report is a summary by grade of students retained in grade using the following criteria:

  • All students reported with Reason for Reporting (DOE011) = 01 or 03 and Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 01.
  • School codes 09200300 and 09200500 are excluded.
  • The evaluation set is compared to all students reported as Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 01 the prior October regardless of school setting; in-district or out-of-district is used in the comparison. A student in grades 1-12 reported with the same grade in both the previous October and the current October is included in the report.

Report 10a: Grade Retention (Student Summary)

October only

This report lists the individual students that are counted in the summary on report 10.

Report 11a: Edit Report (School Summary)

October, March and EOY

The purpose of this report is to flag potential data errors. In most cases, the issue was found when comparing the current submission data in Report 4 (Enrollment Statistics-School Summary) to Report4 of the previous submission. School codes 09200300, 09200400, and 09200500 are excluded. The following common data issues are checked:

  • Schools with a total enrollment change (the total number of students in all grades) greater than 10% from collection to collection.
  • Schools with one or more grade enrollment changes greater than 20%.
  • Schools with a race enrollment change greater than 10% from collection to collection AND the difference represents more than 5 students.
  • Schools with a selected population (other populations and LEP by ELL categories) enrollment change greater than 10% from collection to collection AND the difference represents more than 10 students.
  • Schools with a gender enrollment change greater than 10% from collection to collection AND the difference represents more than 10 students.
  • Schools with an average daily attendance rate (ADA) < 90%.
  • Not in Prior refers to the data reported in a category that was not applicable in the previous collection. This only includes the grade and the school categories.
  • Not in current refers to the data reported in a category that is not applicable in the current collection. This only includes the grade and the school categories.

Collection comparisons:

  • October of current year to EOY of previous year
  • March to October
  • End of Year to March

Please note that the report may include data that are in fact accurate. Districts should review the report and determine if any changes should be made to the current data. In some cases, the error may lie with the previously submitted data. However, the Department will not be accepting any changes to data from a previous submission.

Also, your district's data may have other errors that are not included in this report. This report is not intended to be an exhaustive review of the entire SIMS data submission.

Report 11b: Edit Report (District Summary)

October, March and EOY

This report follows the same format as report 11a.

This report compares data in Report 5 (Enrollment Statistics-District Summary) of the current submission to Report 5 of the previous submission.

Report 12a: Title I (School Summary)

October, March and EOY

This report provides information on students receiving Title I services at each school within your district, by grade, school, and Title I program, where applicable.

  • All students with an Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 01 and a Title I Participation (DOE020) = 01-27 are included.
  • For EOY, Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 04, 10, or 11 are included.
  • School code = 09200300, 09200400, and 09200500 are excluded. Information on the Title I school type for each school is submitted to the DESE by districts prior to each school year.

Report 12b: Title I (District Summary)

October, March and EOY

This report uses the same rules as report 12a.

Report 13: Town Report (Student Detail)

October, March and EOY

This report provides individual data on the students who reside in the particular community but are educated in another public district. The report will be produced after all districts have certified SIMS. The data include students':

  • First Name
  • Middle Name
  • Last Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Gender
  • School Code
  • Town Code
  • Grade Level
  • Reason for Reporting
  • Enrollment Status
  • Reason for Enrollment

The report will show this data for any student record reported by another public district with town code value (DOE014) equal to the district's town(s).

This report is broken down by town of residence. If any information is incorrect, the district should communicate with the educating district to determine if the student is still active in the district or to determine if an error was made.

Report 14a: End of Year Statistics (School Summary)

EOY only

This report provides information at the school level on graduates, Plans of high school completers, dropouts, and certificate of attainment for all students with a Reason for Reporting (DOE011) = 01 or 03.

Excluded are all students with:

  • Days in Attendance (DOE017) = 555 and Days in Membership (DOE018) = 555.
  • Days in Attendance (DOE017) = 1 and Days in Membership (DOE018) = 1 in EOY and October of current year with Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 20-24, 30-36, 04, 10, or 11 in October.
  • Days in Attendance (DOE017) = 0 and Days in Membership (DOE018) = 1 in EOY and October of current year with Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 20-24, 30-36, 04, 10, or 11 in October.

These exclusions do not apply to the dropout category listed below.

The data is compiled as follows:


  • All students with a Grade Level (DOE016) = 11, 12, and SP AND Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 04 are reported by grade and gender.
  • Plans of High Schools Completers: All students with a Grade Level (DOE016) = 11, 12, and SP AND Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 04, 10, or 11 are reported with their Plans of High School Completers (DOE033) = 01-09) by gender.
  • Certificate of Attainment: All students with a Grade Level (DOE016) = 11, 12, or SP AND Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 10 are reported by grade and gender.


  • All students with a Grade Level (DOE016) = 06-12 AND Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 30-36 are reported by grade, gender and race.
  • All students with a Grade Level (DOE016) = 06-12 AND Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 30-36 are reported by grade, gender and the dropouts sub-categories.

Report 14b: End of Year Statistics (District Summary)

EOY only

This report uses the same rules as report 14a.

Report 14c: End of Year Statistics (District Summary - outplacements)

EOY only

This report provides information at the school level on graduates, Plans of high school completers, dropouts, and certificate of attainment for all students with a Reason for Reporting (DOE011) = 02.

Excluded are all students with:

  • Days in Attendance (DOE017) = 555 and Days in Membership (DOE018) = 555.
  • Days in Attendance (DOE017) = 1 and Days in Membership (DOE018) = 1 in EOY and October of current year with Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 20-24, 30-36, 04, 10, or 11 in October.
  • Days in Attendance (DOE017) = 0 and Days in Membership (DOE018) = 1 in EOY and October of current year with Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 20-24, 30-36, 04, 10, or 11 in October.

These exclusions do not apply to the dropout category listed below.

The information is compiled as follows:


  • All students with a Grade Level (DOE016) = 11, 12, and SP AND Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 04 are reported by grade and gender.
  • Plans of High Schools Completers: All students with a Grade Level (DOE016) = 11, 12, and SP AND Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 04, 10, or 11 are reported with their Plans of High School Completers (DOE033) = 01-09) by gender.
  • Certificate of Attainment: All students with a Grade Level (DOE016) = 11, 12, or SP AND Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 10 are reported by grade and gender.


  • All students with a Grade Level (DOE016) = 06-12 AND Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 30-36 are reported by grade, gender, and race.

All students with a Grade Level (DOE016) = 06-12 AND Enrollment Status (DOE012) = 30-36 are reported by grade, gender, and the dropouts sub-categories.

Report 15: Alternative Programs Enrollment Statistics (District Summary)

October, March and EOY

This report lists counts of students reported as enrolled (DOE012 = 01) in alternative education programs. The counts are reported by program code (DOE027) and broken out by grade and gender.

Report 16: SIMS Duplicate Enrollment (District Level Summary)

October, March and EOY

This report lists individual students who are "duplicates" or "enrollment conflicts" between the district and another public district. The report is run on live SIF data (not yet certified), and is available at any time during an open SIMS collection. It lists students reported with enrollment status (DOE012) of 01, 04, 10, 11, 40 who are also reported as such by another public district.

Please confirm the status of these students within your district and, if necessary, contact the other district to resolve the conflict.

Report 17: Student Attendance (School Summary)

October, March and EOY *chronic absenteeism not calculated in October

Chronic Absenteeism

The total number of students is made up of students in the school in grades 1 through 12, excluding services only students, summer exits, and students with membership of less than 20 days.

Filters for total number of students:

  • exclude where DOE016 = PK, KP, KT, KF or SP
  • exclude where DOE012 = 40 or 41
  • exclude where DOE015 = 00000001 or 00000002
  • exclude where DOE018 < 20 and where DOE018 = 555

**Remove any students who have different DOE015 values in EOY and October. (These are within district transfers and will not be counted in the total for either school.)

The count of students who are chronically absent is the count of these students whose attendance rate is equal to or below 90% (where DOE017/DOE018 <= .9)

School Chronic Absenteeism Percentage is the count of chronically absent students/total number of students.

Other attendance statistics

The maximum and minimum reported days of attendance (DOE017), membership (DOE018) and unexcused absences (DOE052). Average Daily Attendance (ADA) = sum of DOE017 / sum of DOE018

Report 18: Student Attendance (District Summary)

October, March and EOY *chronic absenteeism not calculated in October

Chronic Absenteeism

The total number of students is made up of students in the district in grades 1 through 12, excluding services only students, summer exits, and students with membership of 20 days or less.

Filters for total number of students:

  • exclude where DOE016 = PK, KP, KT, KF or SP
  • exclude where DOE012 = 40 or 41
  • exclude where DOE015 = 00000001 or 00000002
  • exclude where DOE018 < 20 and where DOE018 = 555

The count of students who are chronically absent is the count of these students whose attendance rate is equal to or below 90% (where DOE017/DOE018 <= .9)

District Chronic Absenteeism Percentage is the count of chronically absent students/total number of students.

Other attendance statistics

The maximum and minimum reported days of attendance (DOE017), membership (DOE018) and unexcused absences (DOE052). Average Daily Attendance (ADA) = sum of DOE017 / sum of DOE018

Last Updated: March 22, 2022

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