Bullying Allegations
Graduation RatesGeneral information on the graduation rate project. Data will be available for the first time in winter 2007.
Grade Retention ReportsStatewide grade retention rates by race, gender, and grade over time.
Dropout RatesAnnual reports on high school dropout rates, including analysis by grade, gender, and race. Rates for districts and schools are included.
Educator Evaluation DataAnnual reports detailing analyses of the educator evaluation data.
Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education
Plans of High School GraduatesAnnual reports on the plans of high school graduates, including analysis by grade, gender, and race. Rates for districts and schools are included.
Mobility RatesAnnual reports on student mobility, the movement of students in and out of districts or public schools in the state.
Student ExclusionsAnnual reports on the incidences of student exclusions. An exclusion is defined as the removal of a student from school for disciplinary reasons for more than 10 consecutive school days. Rates for districts are included.
State ProfileStatewide totals for student enrollment data and indicators.
Last Updated: March 13, 2024