Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Information Services

Data Collection

Terminology and Application Information

EPIMS: Education Personnel Information Management System

The Education Personnel Information Management System (EPIMS) collects demographic data and work assignment information on individual public school educators.

SIF: Schools Interoperability Framework

SIF is a standard structure for organizing and communicating education data. Since 2013, DESE has been transitioning the department's data collection systems away from manual file upload and onto a real time data exchange via SIF.

SIMS: Student Information Management System

The Student Information Management System (SIMS) is a student-level data collection system that allows the Department to collect and analyze more accurate and comprehensive information, to meet federal and state reporting requirements, and to inform policy and programmatic decisions.

SCS: Student Course Schedule

The Student Course Schedule (SCS) is a collection of the courses taken by students in the public school districts of Massachusetts. SCS collects data at the student and course levels.

SSDR: School Safety and Discipline Report

The School Safety and Discipline Report (SSDR) collects information on all drug, violent and criminal offenses that occur on school property, as well as the discipline action (suspensions, removals, expulsions) served by the student offender. Non-drug, non-violent and non-criminal offenses that result in the student offender being removed from class or school are also collected.

Last Updated: February 15, 2019

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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