The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) has created DropBox Central to enable individuals to exchange confidential data with the department. All data exchanged through DropBox Central is encrypted using secure server certificates and protected by authentication through the Education Security Portal.
Access to DropBox Central is generally administered by Directory Administrators for Public and Charter Districts and Schools. Directory Administrators will grant access to users within their district by assigning the proper role associated with their DropBox. An example of some DropBoxes and their associated roles are listed here:
If you are a member of a Public or Charter District and would like to request access to a particular DropBox, please view the Directory Administrators list for your DA's contact information.
All other organizations, please submit a request for access to the DESE Directory Administration email address: Please include your organization name, district/school code and the name of the dropbox you would like access to.
If you have already been assigned access to DropBox Central, access DropBox Central by logging in to the Education Security Portal.
Log in to the Education Security Portal and click on the link to DropBox Central.
Choose a dropbox by scrolling through the dropdown options or enter the Dropbox name into the search, then select your choice.
Next, select the organization assigned to you by scrolling through the dropdown options or enter the Organization name into the search, then select your choice.
Note: Most users are assigned to a single organization and will see only one organization listed.
Once the Dropbox/Organization have been selected you can view or upload files for the selected Organization. In this section, you can see files that have been sent to you from DESE (OutBox) and files you have sent to DESE (InBox).
Note: Some DropBoxes are one-way, where only DESE can send files to you, but other DropBoxes allow you to post files back to DESE. You will know if you have this capability if there are instructions in this dialog box explaining how to upload a file.
The Upload button is displayed in the InBox panel for non-admin users.
Click the Upload button. A pop-up window appears with the name of the Dropbox that the file will upload to. Here you will view a list of allowed file extensions.
Click the +Browse button to select the file to be uploaded. The file explorer window will appear.
Browse to the file location you want to upload, select the file, and click the Open button. The file explorer window disappears and a table displaying the filename, type, size and status bar is displayed.
You can either click the Cancel button, which cancels the upload and closes the window, OR click the Submit button.
Clicking the Submit button will show the upload progress under the status column. Once the upload successfully completes the window will close automatically and a green success message is displayed in the top banner.
Every DropBox has one or more administrators who work at DESE. DropBox administrators receive email notifications when new files are uploaded into their DropBox. Contact information for a specific DropBox Administrator is typically listed on the upload page of the selected DropBox.
Please contact with any questions regarding DropBox Central.
Last Updated: June 25, 2024