Federal Grant Programs

Title I Part A

Title I Part A of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides financial assistance to districts and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. The priorities of Title I are to:

  1. Strengthen the core program in schools and provide academic and/or support services to low-achieving students at the preschool, elementary, middle, and high school levels;
  2. Provide evidence-based programs that enable participating students to achieve the learning standards of the state curriculum frameworks;
  3. Elevate the quality of instruction by providing eligible staff with substantial opportunities for professional development; and,
  4. Involve parents/guardians of participating public and private school children as active partners in their children's education at school through open, meaningful communication, training, and, as appropriate, inclusion in decision-making processes.

All materials needed to apply for FY2025 Title IA funds are posted with the grant RFP

FY2025 Title IA allocation amounts by district

Last Updated: September 25, 2024