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Federal Grant Programs

ESSER Data Collection

The US Department of Education (USED) requires a special annual data collection for all recipients of ESSER I, II, and III funding. The FY2023 data collection window is from April 15, 2024, through May 10, 2024. The performance reporting period will be based on activities administered from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. USED has released the data collection form for this reporting period, which lists all of the data elements they are looking for.

ESSER Data Collection Webinar

Webinars will be held on April 11th and April 12th, 2024, to provide specific guidance and technical assistance to ESSER fund recipients.

ESSER Data Collection Tools

To support federal data collection efforts, DESE developed online survey tools to help districts report on their expenditures and activities. The best place to start is the survey summary spreadsheet, which contains links to all surveys that are required to be submitted for each district (listed alphabetically). Below are the survey tools in Word format so that recipients may review and work on the surveys prior to submission if they wish.

Survey summary spreadsheet

ESSER Data Collection Tools in MS Word format

Last Updated: May 3, 2024

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
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