Federal Grant Programs

Massachusetts Transition to ESSA

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) used the 2016 calendar year to plan for its transition to the requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), and prepare the ESSA consolidated state plan. With a few exceptions, ESSA took effect at the beginning of the 2017-18 school year.

For Massachusetts schools and districts, the most notable changes under the ESSA law related to the design of the state's school and district accountability and assistance system.

Stakeholder Outreach

DESE began its transition to ESSA by focusing on changes to its current school and district accountability and assistance system. The work was organized into four phases:

  1. Listening (Spring 2016): Asking a broad range of stakeholders for their thoughts about the purpose and design of the state's accountability and assistance system
  2. Modeling (Summer/Fall 2016): Developing specific proposals based on the feedback we heard in the listening phase
  3. Listening (Fall 2016): Sharing our draft proposals with stakeholders to gain further feedback.
  4. Revising (Winter 2016-17): Refine and improve proposed modifications based on additional feedback from stakeholders

Modifications to the accountability and assistance system was implemented at the beginning of the 2017-18 school year.

Community Forums on ESSA

In November and December 2016, DESE hosted a series of public community forums on ESSA.

Opportunities to Provide Feedback on Accountability & Assistance System Design

In spring 2016, DESE launched an online feedback form to gather high-level feedback from a variety of stakeholders about Massachusetts' school and district accountability and assistance system. DESE heard from approximately 2,200 groups and individuals on issues such as priorities for the system, specific accountability measures used, and the types of supports and assistance that schools and district should receive.

In fall 2016, DESE developed specific proposals based on the input collected during the initial listening phase and shared draft proposals with stakeholders for additional feedback.

Opportunities to Provide Feedback on Other Aspects of ESSA

In fall 2016 DESE notified stakeholders about different ways to provide input and feedback on Massachusetts' overall consolidated state plan under ESSA.

Related Resources

Last Updated: June 1, 2022