Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Federal Grant Programs

Programs Under ESSA

Authorized Programs Under ESSA

ESSA contains nine titles, the majority of which provide funding to states and school districts. In return for funding, states and school districts must comply with the various requirements of the law.

Title Description
Title I Improving the academic achievement of the disadvantaged
Title I, Part A Improving basic programs operated by local education agencies
Title I, Part B State assessment grants
Title I, Part C Education of migratory children
Title I, Part D Programs for neglected, delinquent, or at-risk children & youth
Title I, Part E Flexibility for equitable per-pupil funding
Title I, Part F General provisions
Title II Preparing, training & recruiting high-quality teachers, principals, or other school leaders
Title II, Part A Supporting effective instruction
Title II, Part B National activities
Title III Language instruction for English learners & immigrant students
Title IV 21st century schools
Title IV, Part A Student support & academic enrichment grants
Title IV, Part B 21st century community learning centers
Title IV, Part C Expanding opportunity through quality charter schools
Title IV, Part D Magnet schools assistance
Title IV, Part E Family engagement in education programs
Title IV, Part F National activities
Title V Flexibility & accountability
Title VI Indian, Native Hawaiian, & Alaska Native education
Title VII Impact Aid
Title VIII General provisions
Title IX Education for the homeless & other laws
Title IX, Part A Homeless children & youths
Title IX, Part B Miscellaneous; other laws

Last Updated: May 6, 2022

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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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