English Learner Education

WIDA Professional Development

WIDA professional development provides great information and strategies to support multilingual learners in Massachusetts public schools, and WIDA PDPs satisfy educator licensure renewal requirements. These DESE Sponsored courses are available at no cost to participants and are perfect for teams of teachers seeking impactful collaboration to support students' access to rigorous course content.

WIDA Self-Paced workshops can be accessed directly by Massachusetts educators with a WIDA Secure Portal account. Facilitated WIDA workshops are prioritized for high needs districts. Registration for all other MA educators will be available 3–4 weeks before each workshop begins.

A WIDA Secure Portal account is needed to access all WIDA workshops. An account can be obtained by a district WIDA account coordinator. If the district coordinator is unknown, David Parker can assist in identifying.

For more information about DESE-sponsored WIDA PD offerings, please contact David.E.Parker@mass.gov .

Self-paced Workshops

Choose any or all these modules:

  • Developing Language for Learning in Mathematics
  • Engaging Multilingual Learners in Science: Making Sense of Phenomena
  • Exploring the WIDA PreK-3 Essential Actions
  • Making Languages Visible in the Classroom
  • Newcomers: Promoting Success through Strengthening Practice
  • Reframing Education for Long-term English Learners
  • Teaching Multilingual Learners Social Studies through Multiple Perspectives (Updated 2024)
  • WIDA ELD Standards Framework: A Collaborative Approach
  • Let's Play! Multilingual Children's Joyful Learning in PreK–3 (New for 2024!)
  • Reading Comprehension Across Content Areas with Multilingual Learners (New for 2024!)
  • WIDA Español: Desarollando el español: Las expectativas del lenguaje (New for 2024!)
  • WIDA Español: Evaluaciones del desarrollo del lenguaje a nivel de salón — Classroom assessment for language development (New for 2024!)

Time Commitment: 1–40 hours from 9/1/2024 to 8/31/2025, depending on selected modules

PDPs: 1–40, based on selected modules

When Language and Disability Meet: Planning Instruction to Support Multilingual Learners Who Are Dually Identified

Participants will explore planning practices that support language development and accessibility through the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines while identifying collaboration practices that support the development of shared responsibility and advocacy.

Time Commitment: Two 90-minute webinars; 5 hours total

School Leaders: Ensuring Equity for Multilingual Learners

This webinar series is designed for school principals, administrators, and leadership teams who are responsible for school-level policies, leading school improvement planning, data analysis processes, and decision-making about programs and professional development.

Time Commitment: Four and half hours of screen time and estimated seven hours to complete entire webinar series and tasks


Teacher Leaders: Planning with the WIDA ELD Standards Framework

Designed to support teacher leaders, coaches, and others who provide local professional development and support for using the WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition, to plan instruction at the unit level.

Time Commitment:
1 hour prework
1 hour webinar TBD
1 day face to face meeting TBD

Last Updated: September 9, 2024