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Office of Educational Technology (EdTech)

Research and Innovation

EdTech Goal 3: Leverage research and innovation in K–12 edtech that may provide solutions to persistent problems and support next generation learning.

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Digital Equity Research

During the 2023-2024 school year, OET has initiated a study to understand the status of digital equity in MA K–12 schools, including whether basic infrastructure systems are sustainable and technologies are used in ways that genuinely enhance learning, particularly across socio-demographic groups.

DESE has partnered with STEM Learning Design to assist in completing this study, which will include a stakeholder advisory group, statewide surveys, focus groups, classroom observations, and additional data collection. As a result of this research and information gathered from stakeholders, OET hopes to curate and publish the following:

  • Recommendations and proposed technical support for participating school systems who wish to address digital equity gaps.
  • Tools and resources for school systems to self-assess progress towards achieving digital equity goals.
  • Recommendations for the Department and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for high-leverage ways to support improvements in digital equity.

For more information on the research project or to get involved, email .

Last Updated: January 3, 2024

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