Office of Educational Technology (EdTech)

Effective Uses of EdTech

EdTech Goal 2: Identify, evaluate, and promote effective uses of edtech that serve to enhance student learning.

EdTech Systems Guide: Equity-Driven Selection, Implementation, and Evaluation

DESE's Office of Education Technology (OET) partnered with The Learning Accelerator (TLA) to develop this guide for edtech leaders in Massachusetts. In May 2021, the Department released the EdTech Strategic Planning Guide: Sustaining Progress in Access and Equity , which offered school and system leaders guidance related to sustaining progress in access and equity through intentional and strategic edtech planning and resource allocation. This guide builds off of that work by offering support in developing and strengthening systems for edtech selection, implementation, and evaluation to ensure that edtech is effectively chosen, powerfully implemented, and properly evaluated for effectiveness across the state. Watch an introductory video on how to get the most out of the Systems Guide. Click the image below to view the guide.

EdTech Systems Guide: Equity-Driven Selection, Implementation, and Evaluation
EdTech Systems Guide Overview (Download PDF Document)

Through EdTech Peer Learning Cohort, co-led with our partner the Learning Accelerator, districts explore how they can use the Guide in their context. In the inaugural 2022-2023 cohort, districts worked through problems of practice such as collecting student feedback on edtech tools, evaluating edtech tools, and engaging families of English Learners to strengthen a student information system implementation. You can read more about the work of the cohort through these case stories. The second cohort, featuring 12 districts, is currently underway.

Massachusetts was awarded the SETDA State Achievement Award 2023 in the Equity of Access category for 'Building and Strengthening Equitable EdTech Systems.' Team members from DESE include AJ Cote, Jackie Gantzer, and Eileen Belastock. Team member from the Learning Accelerator include Jin-Soo Huh, Michael Ham, and Roshni Lakhi.
SETDA 2023 awards graphic showing five stars on top of each other. From back to front the stars are purple, pink, yellow, blue, and green.

The SETDA State Achievement Award recognizes outstanding initiatives from SETDA state and affiliate members and their teams that address meaningful challenges in teaching and learning. These awards celebrate the impact of these programs and projects. Massachusetts received a 2023 State Achievement Award in the Equity of Access category for the Edtech Peer Learning Cohort and the use of the EdTech Systems Guide for equitable selection, implementation, and evaluation of edtech.

Featured Resources and Partnerships

DESE EdTech Leader Network

In May 2021, the Department released "Sustaining Progress in Access and Equity: EdTech Strategic Planning Guide" to support schools and districts as they work to leverage the significant investments in technology. To support district technology leaders in their strategic planning and implementation efforts, OET hosts an EdTech Leader Network. The Network, which is open to all MA K12 technology leaders, meets both virtually and in-person throughout the year, and collaborates on topics such as elevating the role of technology leaders, budgeting, infrastructure, and professional learning. Information gathered from the Network will also be used to inform updates to the Strategic Planning Guide.

For more information about the network or how to join, email .

Building Capacity for High-Quality Instruction through EdTech Grant

The 2023-2024 federally funded competitive grant program provides funds for districts to adopt or expand capacity-building programming that builds the collective expertise of educators to utilize technology to deliver high-quality instruction.

In addition to providing professional learning opportunities for educators in effective uses of educational technology, the Department is specifically seeking to fund programming that aligns to longer-term strategic plans of LEAs to develop wide-scale capacity for all classrooms to effectively leverage technology to enhance teaching and learning.

This grant opportunity is designed to support capacity building for educators to leverage technology to support effective instruction through high-quality professional learning. Recipients will build educator technology skills but also clearly connect their efforts with the school system's current instructional priorities (grounded in elements of effective instruction). Specifically, the Department approved proposals focusing on elements of effective instruction:

  • Culturally and linguistically sustaining practices;
  • Skillful implementation of high-quality instructional materials;
  • Implementing academic supports and interventions that provide all students, particularly students with disabilities and English learners, equitable access to grade-appropriate instruction; and
  • Engaging students in Deeper Learning through grade-level work that is relevant, real-world, and interactive, and allows them to demonstrate mastery, identity, and creativity.

The 2023-2024 recipients include:

  • BRLI
  • Chicopee
  • Everett
  • MassCUE
  • Mendon-Upton
  • Norton
  • Sandwich
  • Worcester

Grant Year 2022-2023:
The 2022-2023 Fund Code 124 Recipient Overview
Lessons learned from the 2022-2023 Grant

Additional Support

  • MassCUE
    • MassCUE is the state's leading organization for educators passionate about digital teaching and learning. Having served educators in Massachusetts for over three decades, MassCUE provides rich professional development, networking, and learning opportunities for all educators —from classroom teachers, school-based administrators, technology and digital learning directors, and superintendents.

    • METAA's mission is to unite Massachusetts PK–12 Educational Technology Administrators — public, private, independent, charter and parochial — into one professional association to advocate and support the vision, policies, practices, and funding for historical, current, and cutting edge technology within all aspects of teaching, learning, and professional productivity

  • MA Student Privacy Alliance
    • The Massachusetts Student Privacy Alliance is a collaboration of Massachusetts school districts that share common concerns around student privacy. The goal of the MSPA is to set standards of both practice and expectations around student privacy such that all parties involved have a common understanding of expectations.

Last Updated: January 3, 2024