Educator Effectiveness

Edwin for Ed Prep Overview

The data Edwin provides will help sponsoring organizations make informed decisions about how they can improve upon their work to ensure candidates are ready to support the success of all students. Having access to valid, reliable data can enable programs to measure progress toward long-term goals and simplify state reporting. As organizations analyze the outcomes their completers achieve and their impact on students in Massachusetts, Edwin offers four reports to address a variety of questions:

  • Educator Preparation Program Cohort Pipeline (701): Details the progression through the educator preparation pipeline, including reason for exit and license attainment, for a cohort of candidates.
    • This report will enable users to answer many questions, including:
      • What are a cohort's persistence and completion trends for individual programs?
      • What are the demographic characteristics of program completers?
      • How long do candidates take to complete different programs?

  • MA Public Employment Summary (702): Provides aggregate information about Massachusetts public employment for program completers.
    • This report will enable users to answer many questions, including:
      • What are the characteristics of completers who gain Massachusetts public employment (race/ethnicity, gender, etc.)?
      • How do completers affect their students' growth on assessments? Is there variance between programs and/or districts?

  • Performance Measures Report (703): Provides Massachusetts Public Educator Evaluation Rating; Massachusetts Test for Educator Licensure (MTEL); Candidate Assessment for Performance (CAP); and Performance Assessment for Leaders (PAL) information for completers of an educator preparation program.
    • This report will enable users to answer many questions, including:
      • What are the educator evaluation ratings of completers who were evaluated as Teachers? As Administrators?
      • What are the CAP ratings of candidates/completers who were evaluated? By element? By dimension?
      • What are the PAL ratings of candidates/completers? By task?
      • Is there any variance in ratings between programs?
      • How do ratings change over time for a given program?
      • How many candidates/completers had to re-take their MTEL test for licensure?

  • Educator Prep Survey Report (704): Provides aggregate survey responses for the Educator Preparation Stakeholder Surveys that are sent out annually to the following groups:
    • Hiring Principals: Principals who hired a teacher candidate
    • Teacher Completers: Educators employed in a Massachusetts public school one year after program completion
    • Supervising Practitioners: Teachers who served as a supervisor to a teacher candidate
    • Teacher Candidates: Teacher candidates at the point of program completion
    • This report will enable users to answer many questions, including:
      • What are the perceptions of readiness among key stakeholders?
      • How do the perceptions of readiness compare among key stakeholders?
      • Do completers feel prepared to teach?
      • In what areas do completers feel most prepared?

  • Candidate List with up to 5 years of License and MA Public Employment (801): Provides a candidate list detailing a cohort's enrollment, licensure, and employment information.
    • This report will enable users to answer many questions, including:
      • Which licenses do candidates gain?
      • In which Massachusetts public districts are completers finding employment?
      • Do candidates find employment teaching subjects they were endorsed in?

For more information on the Ed Prep Edwin Reports, see the Edwin Resources webpage.

Last Updated: January 3, 2018