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Food and Nutrition Programs

Financial Management

How Are Finances Managed in Child Nutrition Programs?

Child Nutrition Programs (CNPs) are federally funded, and state administered programs. Program operators receive reimbursement based on program specific regulations. The management of finances and other resources is the foundation for nutrition integrity and quality meals in CNPs.

DESE's Financial Management section distributes federal and state funds to School Food Authorities (SFAs) or Sponsoring Organizations (SOs) through the claim process. The financial management team also providing guidance and support for resource management of and procurement with funds from the nonprofit food service accounts.

How Much Do You Receive in Reimbursement for Qualified Meals and Snacks Served under CNPs?

Meals and snacks served in each CNP are reimbursed at a different rate. Rates can vary based on how you prepare meals, if meals are served in rural versus urban areas and your student's eligibility for free and reduced priced meals, contact of office for questions about specific programs.

Current Reimbursement Rates:

How Do I Submit My Claims for Reimbursement?

Claims for reimbursement can be submitted by approved sponsors in good standing through the DESE's security portal.

How do school districts contract with a Food Service Management Company (FSMC)?

Districts looking to contract with a Food Service Management Company to operate the school food service will need to follow procurement requirements for all CNPs and the requirements specified in 7 CFR 210.16.

Districts must also use a State required RFP — Contract Template when going out to bid. The RFP — Contract Template can be found in the document and reference library of the DESE security portal.

Questions can be directed to .

Are There Specific Guidelines or Requirements for Procurement in CNPs?

When making procurement decisions, SFAs and other Child Nutrition Program operators should refer to USDA procurement regulations. Broadly, keep in mind the following four fundamental principles:

  1. The Buy American provision (7 CFR 210.21(d))
  2. Additional State and local regulations (Massachusetts Chapter 30B)
  3. Ensure full and open competition (Guidance on Competitive Procurement Standards for Program Operators)
  4. Find responsible and responsive vendors

Adherence to federal, state and local standards are routinely reviewed by DESE through Administrative, Resource Management and Procurement compliance reviews.

What USDA Child Nutrition Assistance Listing Numbers (ALNs) Should Be Used for Financial Compliance Reporting?

  • Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Reimbursements (10.582)
  • School Lunch and Breakfast Reimbursements (10.555)
  • Child and Adult Day Care- Cash In Lieu (10.558)
  • Child and Adult Day Care- Meal and Administrative Reimbursements (10.558)
  • Summer Food Service Program Reimbursements (10.559)

What USDA Child Nutrition Catalog of Federal Award Identification Numbers Should Be Used for Financial Compliance Reporting?

  • NSLP FAIN — 234MA303N1199, CFDA 10.555, 234MA303N1099
  • CACFP FAIN — 234MA303N1199, CFDA 10.558, 234MA303N1099
  • Cash-in-Lieu FAIN — 234MA334N2020, CFDA 10.558
  • SFSP FAIN — 234MA303N1199, CFDA 10.559, 234MA303N1099
  • FFVP FAIN — 234MA3001603, CFDA 10.582

Last Updated: September 26, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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