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Food and Nutrition Programs

National School Nutrition Programs Reimbursement Rates for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025

To:Local Education Agencies
From:Robert M. Leshin, Director, Office for Food and Nutrition Programs
Date:August 6, 2024

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has announced the reimbursement rates for School Food Service Programs effective July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. Breakfasts and lunches will continue to be counted and claimed by income eligibility category and reimbursed at the federal "free" rate. The state share is based on a state matching funds formula established at the federal level.

The USDA Foods assistance level is at $0.45 per lunch served for 2023-2024. The published per meal rate from the Federal Register for SY 2023-2024 is .30 cents: an increase from the rate of .2950 in SY 2022-2023. The per meal rate (.30 cents) plus the 12 percent provision dollars and the 20 million breakfast dollars make the effective NSLP rate .45 cents for SY 2023-24.

National School LunchReimbursement RatesAdditional Eight Cents
State ShareFederal ShareTotalFederal ShareTotal
Paid Lunch$0.05$0.42$0.47$0.09$0.56
Reduced Price Lunch$0.05$4.03$4.08$0.09$4.17
Free Lunch$0.05$4.43$4.48$0.09$4.57

Federal Severe Need Lunch Rate — School systems in which 60% or more of the lunches served in 2022-2023 were free or reduced price will receive an additional 2 cents per lunch for all reimbursable lunches.

Eight Cent Menu Certification Rate — School Food Authorities that meet the requirements outlined in the final rule for Nutrition Standards in the National School Lunch Program and approved will receive an additional nine cents for each reimbursable lunch.

School BreakfastFederal Non- Severe ReimbursementFederal Severe Need Reimbursement
Paid Breakfast$0.39$0.39
Reduced Price Breakfast$2.07$2.54
Free Breakfast$2.37$2.84

School Breakfast Program — "severe need breakfast school" is one in which 40% of lunches served through February 2020 were free or reduced price lunch meals. As a result of the reauthorization of Child Nutrition Programs (Public Law 108-265), severe need breakfast schools do not need to submit cost documentation to receive the federal severe need breakfast reimbursement. Schools required to offer breakfast under state law will be eligible for up to $.095 for each reimbursable breakfast for breakfast costs that exceed Federal Severe Need Reimbursement. These state-mandated schools must provide documentation of costs through the monthly claim process to receive this additional state reimbursement.

Special Milk reimbursement is $0.27 per half pint. Special milk recipients may not participate in other child nutrition programs. Pricing programs with the free milk option receive the average cost per pint for eligible students.

After School Snack Reimbursement ("All Free Snacks" are reimbursed at the Free Rate of $1.21).

Paid Snack$0.11
Reduced Price Snack$0.60
Free Snack$1.21

Adult Meal Pricing Guidelines — Adult meal charges must be priced at the Federal reimbursement for a free student lunch plus the USDA Foods per meal value; inclusive of covering the cost of preparing and serving the meal and must be charged state meals tax.

Paid Lunch Equity in Meal Pricing — Pursuant to FY 2025 State Budget funding, school meals will be free of charge this school year.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Last Updated: September 26, 2024

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