Office of College, Career and Technical Education

Career Connections Programs

Career Connections (N74) programs are programs that are submitted through the Perkins grant process but are otherwise not designated as state-approved programs. Perkins recipients can use Perkins funds to support Career Connections programs that meet the outcomes and design components outlined below.

Program Outcomes

The student outcome of a Career Connections program is:

  1. Deep knowledge in a particular career field
  2. Opportunity to earn an industry recognized credential and a safety credential.
  3. Work-based learning experience in the program field.

Program Design

Career Field / Industries

Generally, these program areas should align with the Chapter 74 Frameworks. It is not expected that Career Connections programs cover the full Chapter 74 content, but programs should organize curriculum to address as much of framework as possible to increase student depth of knowledge of the field.

  • Note that some frameworks require Chapter 74 approval and cannot be offered by a school as a Career Connections program. These include: Aviation Technology, Electricity, HVAC, Plumbing, Cosmetology, Veterinary Science, Animal Science, and Early Education and Care.

Programs are guided by and meet OSHA Safety Standards.
Courses Three consecutive building courses within a particular field that collectively cover all aspects of industry, informed by Chapter 74 frameworks.
  • Complete Work-based learning, an important component of Perkins V.
  • Opportunity to earn an industry recognized credential, advanced coursework, or complete a capstone related to the program area.
  • Engagement with career technical student organizations (CTSOs), especially to increase participation and success of students who are members of special populations.
Counseling Career Planning allows students to develop a comprehensive plan for postsecondary success where current learning is matched with career goals. Districts and institutions may use MyCAP or other platforms in career planning.
Industry and Stakeholder Engagement CTE programs have advisory groups or representatives. The Advisory Committee Guide is a quality resource on forming and utilizing advisory committees.
Teacher LicensureCareer Connections programs do not require Chapter 74 teacher licensure. However, teacher experience and content should be related to the topic they are teaching.

To report new Career Connections programs please complete this form: Career Connections Survey

For those looking for information on reporting annual enrollment in Career Connections programs, reported as N74 in SIMS, please reference SIMS Reporting.

Use this Perkins Checklist to check that programs meet Perkins V requirements and are of sufficient Size, Scope & Quality .

Last Updated: January 30, 2025