Directory Administration provides an efficient mechanism via the web for district and school staff to update and maintain information (e.g. principal's name, mailing address, programs offered) with the Department.
Directory Administration allows one central depository for district and school level data and provides an efficient mode for maintaining and updating educational information between the Department and targeted school administrators, legislators, municipal leaders and others.
In the past, the Department has relied on various paper forms to provide updated district profiles and personnel changes. Now districts can view, add, update and delete their own district and school information over the web. Another function of the Directory Administration application will be to create a single-source security portal for all web-accessed programs in the Department. The security of the Student Information Management System data such as State Identifiers (SASIDs) and the transmission of all data elements are integrated within Directory Administration.
What's New in Modern DA
ESP Reactivation Guide for Directory Administrators
ESP Reactivation User Help
Guide on using DropBox Central.
List of Directory Administrators.
Please complete the appropriate form and send to the email address noted on the form. For questions regarding these forms, please email .
New Public School
Public School Closing
Public Information Change
New Private School
New Collaborative Program
Information Change
School Closing
New Out of State
Last Updated: February 6, 2025
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Voice: (781) 338-3000 TTY: (800) 439-2370
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