Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Home
Statewide System of Support (SSoS)

Sustainable Improvement in Massachusetts: How it Works

Statewide System of Support Structure

The Statewide System of Support (SSoS) focuses resources on the schools and districts with the greatest need, while also adjusting to reduced staffing and resources. The structure has been grounded in the principles of equity, consistency, efficiency, quality, and building on strengths. The SSoS is comprised of two regional assistance teams - Coastal and West/Central. These regions are supported by three offices that provide centralized supports for policy development, grants, professional development, networks and convenings, development of tools and resources, research and knowledge base, and identification of high-quality partners.

CSDP Progress Monitoring

The Center for School and District Partnership (CSDP) uses progress monitoring site visits to provide schools engaged in a variety of supports offered by the Center with formative feedback on where they are in implementing key components of the Coherence Guidebook . While the primary purpose of these visits it to give information to schools, CSDP uses data from these reports to guide our assistance efforts in districts and schools, and in research on effective practices across the state. In all cases, CSDP progress monitoring visits are conducted by vendors selected by DESE through our procurement process.

Sustainable Improvement Video Series

Schools demonstrating sustainable improvement are highlighted in this video series. In each video, the school and district leadership and staff tell their unique improvement story. The videos connect their efforts to the Massachusetts Turnaround Practices research.

Turnaround Practices Research and Evaluation Reports

Since 2011, the Statewide System of Support has been conducting research on the effectiveness of sustainable improvement strategies in Massachusetts. In 2014, this research indoctrinated the Massachusetts “turnaround practices” as a set of four critical areas of focus for successful sustainable improvement efforts, and since that time we have aligned our state assistance strategy around these turnaround practices and produce a wealth of examples of best practice in each area. The full set of research and resources can be found on our Turnaround Reports page.

Read the regulations below.

Under-Performing Schools and School Districts (603 CMR 2.00) - Adopted by the Massachusetts State Board of Education: June 16, 1997. Most Recently Amended: October 24, 2006

Last Updated: January 2, 2024

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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