Relationship between State Annual School Monitoring Indicators and Outcomes in Massachusetts Low-Performing Schools
Impact Analysis of Massachusetts Schools Engaged in Sustainable Improvement
Relationships between Schoolwide Instructional Observation Scores and Student Academic Achievement and Growth in Low-Performing Schools in Massachusetts
Lessons Learned in Massachusetts High School Turnaround: A Resource for High School Leaders
This resource provides evidence of best practice in implementing the Turnaround Practices at the high school level.
Supporting English Learners and Students With Disabilities: Strategies From Turnaround Schools in Massachusetts
This resource provides evidence of best practice in meeting the needs of English Learners and Students With Disabilities in turnaround schools.
Turnaround Practices Digital Resource: This resource brings together content from the 2014 and 2016 Turnaround Practices reports in a single document.
Overview: The 2016 Turnaround Practices Evaluation and Resources include a Research Brief, Impact Study, Implementation Study, Field Guide, and new Turnaround Practices Videos.
Research Brief: The research brief, titled "How to Succeed in School Turnaround: Strategies That Characterize Successful Turnaround Schools in Massachusetts' summarizes key findings from both parts of the technical report" the implementation study (Part 1) and the impact study (Part 2). The brief highlights those strategies described by successful schools as "essential" to the school's turnaround efforts and ability to sustain improvements.
Implementation and Impact Studies: This two-part technical report summarizes findings from our implementation and impact studies of SRG schools.
Part 1: Implementation Study, summarizes the specific strategies that characterize successful turnaround schools and keys to sustaining improvement efforts.
Part 2: Impact Study, summarizes findings from a comparative interrupted time series analysis of Level 4 SRG schools, as compared to non-SRG schools.
Field Guide: The field guide is designed for school- and district-level practitioners, and describes how successful turnaround schools implement the Massachusetts Turnaround Practices.
Last Updated: September 29, 2021