Center for Instructional Support

Science gear STE Research

This page contains links to research informing DESE's vision for PK–12 science instruction.

A Vision for Science Instruction

The 2012 Framework for K-12 Science Education summarizes contemporary research on science education and informs the overall vision and implementation of the Massachusetts curriculum frameworks.

High-Quality Curricular Materials

Curricular materials have a notable impact on student science learning.

  • Achieve has published a review of the importance of high-quality, standards aligned curricular materials.
  • TNTP has also produced research on the importance of grade-level work for all students.

Elementary Science Advocacy

A robust science education begins in early elementary school.

Middle and High School Science

New high-quality curricula may look substantially different from traditional science teaching. Previous standards focused on coverage of discrete content items over the course of the year.

Last Updated: May 18, 2023