Center for Instructional Support

Science gear STE Administrator Resources

This page contains resources for Massachusetts administrators and leaders to support the vision of PK–12 Science and Technology/Engineering.

Supporting Classrooms

  • Culturally & Linguistically Sustaining Practices
    This resource explores culturally and linguistically sustaining school practices and provides resources for professional learning.

  • Culturally Responsive Look Fors
    This resource introduces seven focus elements that are observable in a culturally responsive classroom that could be used to support professional learning, observations, feedback, and/or coaching.

  • "What to Look For" Observation Guides
    These guides describe Science practices, key content standards and observable teacher and student actions aligned to Indicators from the Standards of Effective Practice.

Supporting Students

  • AP and IB Exam Fee Subsidy Program
    Exam fee subsidies are available for low-income Massachusetts public school students taking Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) exams in May 2023.

  • Mass Core Requirements
    Adopted by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education in 2007 and amended in 2018, MassCore is a state-recommended program of study intended to align high school coursework with college and workforce expectations.

    The program of studies includes the successful completion of four units of English, four units of mathematics, three units of a lab-based science, three units of history, two units of the same foreign language, one unit of the arts, and five additional "core" courses. A computer science course that includes rigorous mathematical or scientific concepts and aligns with the 2016 Digital Literacy and Computer Science Framework can substitute for either a mathematics course or a laboratory science course.

Supporting Content Leaders

Last Updated: May 18, 2023