Strand maps can be an efficient way to see how concepts progress over time and how curriculum and instruction can productively relate standards to support student learning. They show the conceptual relationship between standards within and across grades or grade spans that allow for targeted pre-assessment, contextualization, and/or identification of boundaries for any particular standard that is being taught. Schools and districts have found strand maps to be particularly useful in vertical team meetings, curriculum mapping workshops, and interdisciplinary meetings. Individual teachers can use them to identify concepts that should be the focus of pre-assessment, to convey to students how the standard they are learning will contribute to future learning, and to cluster standards into effective units of study.
The maps are available in a one-page PDF document (useful for viewing electronically - zoom in several hundred percent); a multi-page PDF document (useful for printing - then tape them together); and in the original CMAPTools format (useful for manipulating or adjusting the maps - any map can be printed from within the application). Download CMAPTools for free. Several notes that may be helpful in using this software:
The strand maps will be updated periodically. Please feel free to provide input or share how you have used them:
Updated May 2, 2016
Last Updated: August 15, 2016