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The Standards for Learning are Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 with an emphasis on striking balance between conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and application while maintaining the rigor needed to enable students to successfully transition to post-secondary education and the workforce.

Massachusetts Mathematics Curriculum Framework — 2017
This document provides a "roadmap" for students' learning Pre-K – 12 and defines the three aspects of Mathematical Rigor, highlights the eight standards for mathematical practice, and the eight guiding principles of mathematical programs in the state.

Standards Navigator
This resource draws connections and progression between individual standards. It also highlights MCAS questions, individual tasks, and definitions relating to standards.

2017 Mathematics Framework Quick Reference Guides
This webpage contains two-page summaries of key elements of the 2017 Mathematics Framework.

Slides Supporting Implementation of the 2017 Frameworks
This resource presents revisions to the Massachusetts Mathematics Frameworks that educators will utilize as they plan instruction.

Highlights: 2017 Revisions to the Mathematics Standards
This guide provides a summary of changes between the 2010 and 2017 Mathematics Standards.

Curriculum Frameworks Key Shifts: Mathematical Rigor in Pre-K – 5
The guide is designed to support districts in implementing rigorous mathematical instruction in Pre-K – 5, and includes a protocol for analyzing standards, tasks and lesson while using the three aspects of Mathematical Rigor.

Grade-by-Grade Explanations: 2017 Revisions to the Mathematics Standards
This resource shows the edit changes from the 2010 to the most recent 2017 Mathematics Standards.

Last Updated: May 18, 2023

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