AP and IB Exam Fee Subsidy Program Exam fee subsidies are available for low-income Massachusetts public school students taking Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) exams in May 2023.
MassCore Requirements MassCore is a state-recommended program of study intended to align high school coursework with college and workforce expectations. Students are expected to take four units of Mathematics. An approved CS course may be substituted for one math course.
Mathematics Test Design and Development This webpage has documents related to design of the MCAS for each grade level, including: number of sessions and calculator use, question types, and reporting percentages per category.
MCAS Digital Item Library To search for released items by standard, this tool provides access to released items from the computer-based MCAS tests beginning with the 2017 MCAS test administration.
MCAS Student Work/Scoring Guides Access to scoring guides for each released essay item, constructed-response item, open-response item, and writing prompt included on the MCAS tests since 2017.
Math and STE Reference Sheets Access Math and STE reference sheets. These reference sheets are provided to students during Mathematics and STE testing.
MCAS Resource Center Find links to Practice Tests, Released Items and more on this webpage
Last Updated: February 19, 2025
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
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