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health and physical gear CHPE Professional Learning

Educators play a critical role in the success of students. As such, all educators are called on to continually improve their practice. Professional learning is the single most accessible method by which educators can grow and learn as professionals. Below are resources to support professional learning for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education (CHPE) in Massachusetts schools and districts.

CHPE Webinar Opportunities

Please join us for upcoming webinar opportunities to support CHPE implementation. The following webinar opportunities include topics related to implementing the CHPE Framework such as puberty, inclusive spaces, working with administrators, media literacy, and elevating student voice. Webinars will run from 2:30–3:30pm and will be recorded. Links will be sent the day before the webinars. Register

Using CHPE Frameworks to Elevate Youth Voice Through Service-learning

Come spend the day learning about what service-learning is and what it isn't. Learn the steps to develop a high-quality service-learning unit that integrates academic, social and civic outcomes through CHPE Framework practices and topics. Walk away with tools to develop a plan for your students to build the skills necessary to impact contemporary Health and PE problems/needs that they are concerned with. Register

March 7 — 8:30am–2:30pm

Food System Literacy Professional Development

The Food System Literacy course listings in the link below are open to Massachusetts educators. Participation is free and participants will receive stipends and PDP certificates for successful participation in the course. Courses are open to Massachusetts public school teachers of any license grades PK–12, administrators, principals, and coaches.

General 2 — RootEd Educational Consulting

Best Practices in PE

This workshop focuses on high quality instructional practices in physical education. In this interactive workshop, PK–12 physical educators will explore best practices in physical education instruction and assessment. The workshop will run 8:30am – 2:30pm with an hour lunch break. Continental breakfast will be provided. Register

Wednesday 1/29 — Doubletree Boston North Shore, Danvers

Engaging Students with Disabilities in PE

This workshop focuses on best practices in adapted physical education. In this workshop, participants will discuss key laws and policies related to adapted physical education as well as examine strategies for inclusion and integration of students with disabilities. The workshop will run 8:30am – 2:30pm with an hour lunch break. Continental breakfast will be provided. Register

Friday 4/11 — Plimouth Patuxet Museums, Plymouth

Meaningful PE

Get ready for an engaging, hands-on, and thought-provoking day exploring the Meaningful Physical Education (MPE) framework. Whether you're already familiar with MPE or new to the concept, this workshop will provide a dynamic space to explore, reflect, and engage in deep conversations about prioritizing meaningful movement experiences for all students. Come ready to move, learn, and connect with other passionate physical educators dedicated to helping students thrive through purposeful play and movement. Walk away with practical tools, fresh ideas, and inspiration to bring meaningful PE to life in your gymnasium! The workshops will run 8:30am – 2:30pm with an hour lunch break. Continental breakfast will be provided.

Thursday 3/6 — Hotel Northampton, Northampton — Register

Friday 3/7 — Hilton Garden Inn, Marlborough — Register

Inclusive Practices in Sex Ed

This hybrid training will include an exploration of foundational concepts in equity, diversity, inclusion and justice and how these concepts are foundational in sexual health curriculum and instruction. Participants will engage in a variety of hands-on and interactive activities including case studies and curriculum work. Participants must complete 3 hours of pre-work and a 2 hour live virtual session on 4/8 prior to the in person event on 4/11 at the Hotel Northampton. Register

4/8 — Live virtual session

4/11 — In person session at Hotel Northampton (8:30–2:30)

Being an Agent of Change

In this two day workshop, participants will develop skills to support equity, diversity and inclusion efforts in your school, particularly related to sex education. You will get trained as a Safe Zone trainer, develop skills to manage resistance, engaging community members and advance skills and strategies for supporting change in your school. The workshops will run 8:30am – 2:30pm with an hour lunch break. Continental breakfast will be provided. Register

Wednesday 5/28 & Thursday 6/5 — Embassy Suites Marlborough

Last Updated: January 17, 2025

Contact Us

Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149

Voice: (781) 338-3000
TTY: (800) 439-2370


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