Professional Development

Search Registered PD Providers

While a list of registered PD providers has been maintained by DESE for years, this is the first time the registry has been made available online.

The registry is …

  • a list of the PD providers that submitted a PD Provider Registry Application to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), beginning in the summer 2014, and met the minimum requirements established for the registry. These providers may now issue professional development points (PDPs) to Massachusetts educators in accordance with the Recertification Guidelines for Massachusetts Educators .
  • a database that allows the public to search the list of registered PD providers for professional development according to several criteria (e.g., content area , grade level, PD format)

The registry is not …

  • a database of all PDP providers. Many professional development offerings are provided by ESE, school districts and educational collaboratives; they are not required to register. Several CH766 schools have registered to provide PD to their staff only, and thus are not listed on the registry. Additionally, many Institutes of Higher Education that offer Continuing Education Units do not appear on this list; however, Continuing Education Units are still automatically converted to 10 PDPs per unit.
  • a database of everyone who offers PD. Many providers offer professional development but do not issue PDPs, for example, universities and colleges issue graduate credits and/or CEUs.
  • a database of free professional development. Most of the professional development offered by registered providers will be at a cost to the district, school or educator.

Note: For providers that were approved prior to 2014, and have not since reapplied, the expiration for their capacity to issue PDPs was October 30, 2015. Expired providers do not appear on the registry. If you are not listed as a provider and would like to become one, you can learn more about the application process.

To learn more about the PD Provider Registry visit the Frequently Asked Questions.

Last Updated: November 20, 2015