Thank you for your interest in CSDP’s Professional Learning offerings for SY24-25. All offerings are closed for this school year. We will update this page in spring 2025 with new offerings for schools and districts.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) is pleased to offer a range of intensive professional development Academies designed to aid school and district teams with the implementation of tiered systems of instruction and support. Any district may apply for these MTSS Academies. Priority will be given to schools and districts who are working to close equity gaps related to student outcomes.
The Center for School and District Partnership (CSDP) is pleased to offer a variety of professional learning opportunities to support school and district improvement efforts in the 2024-2025 school year. Each of these opportunities advances educational equity and is being offered at no cost to participating teams. They are organized around the three categories below, aligned DESE's Education Vision. Some offerings may address more than one priority.
This page will be updated regularly as new offerings become available. Please note that this list does not include non-voluntary supports provided by CSDP (e.g., regional assistance from the Statewide System of Support, Tiered Focus Monitoring from the Office of Language Acquisition, etc.)
This year CSDP is approaching outreach and enrollment through an equity lens; giving priority to districts who are either identified through our accountability system (having a school(s) in the lowest 10th% across the state) and districts who have significant gaps for specific student populations. You will be notified of your acceptance to an offering by June 2024.
When applying to one of the MTSS Academies, please be aware that as participants in one of these DESE-sponsored supports, district and school teams agree to participate in any ongoing evaluation and improvement efforts. The following is a list of example data that may be shared between academy partners, DESE, and/or potential third-party evaluators.
Please use the links below to learn more about each Academy and apply. Applications will remain open until each Academy reaches capacity.
Last Updated: October 3, 2024